Emma's Diary :)

Katierose said:
Yay to day 5 Emma x gd luck for your interview what job is it for ? I'll keep my fingers crossed for you x

Almost the first week gone yay :D

Its a strategy and events company in london and the job is for an accounts and events assistant. Its a step up from what im doing and ive got so close i really hope i get it!!!

Thanks for the luck hun im gonna be needing it hehe

Hows your day going? Xxxx
Good luck hope everything went well !
Good luck hun x
Thanks hun! Im not finding it easy but im trying my hardest!! Just had a coconut bar and gonna have a shake and a protein meal with veg later! Its difficult but im feeling so good about myself already :D I weigh in on thursday morning had a sneaky peak at the scales this morning and 4 pounds off already so im very pleased! Hoping to make that 7 by thursday so fingers crossed!! You've done fab so far hun Im hoping I can too cos our starting weights are similar :D

Zero coke is definately a saviour! Im aiming for 2ltr of water a day and its still soooo hard to get used to when before i never ever ever drank it!!!

Have a job interview this afternoon!! 3rd round just me and one person left so fingers crossed - eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!


hiya good luck for your interview :)

its surprising how quickly you feel better about yourself when you lose a few pounds - we'll feel amazing when reach goal lol :p
4lbs so far is fab- im sure you'll make it to 7lbs!
and thanks i hope i lose a few this week but keep scales hopping and not changed much so far- not gonna go on till wednesday now

you've probs had ur interview now so hope it went well :) x
Thanks for the good luck wishes ladies!! I think it went well but you never know with these things do you?! I find out in a few days so fingers crosed!!

Anyways i just had the YUMMIEST dinner ever :D

I fried some spring onions and mushrooms in some worcester sauce (dont know if worcester sauce is allowed but a few drops cant hurt?!). Then i added to 2 eggs and a drop of milk and fried it in fry light! Made the lovliest omlette and then i plonked some rocket and spinach on top

:D wish i could eat this all over again! Hehe xx
Hope you hear back about the job soon, could be exciting times ahead - go you!

Your dinner sounds lush!
glad ur interview went well :)

better to have an extra pack than some choccy or pizza :p x
Em, your doing great!
Don't worry about the extra bar as others have said it could be a lot,lot worse.
Focus on why you want to lose weight and prepare for tomorrow x x
It's only s bar, don't worry hun
Hope you get the job sweetie Xx

Nmm omlette sounds lush!!
My stomach has shrunk, I struggle with mac cheese with veg now LOL plus ketosis, its ace LOL Xx
Emariex said:
How do i know when im in ketosis? Xxxx

Hope you get the job hun. Well done for sticking through. That's an amazing loss so far. Not long til Thursday weigh in. Maybe u already are in Ketosis now. Let's hope so. You're doing grand :)
sherrie82 said:
Hope you get the job hun. Well done for sticking through. That's an amazing loss so far. Not long til Thursday weigh in. Maybe u already are in Ketosis now. Let's hope so. You're doing grand :)

Aww thankyou gorgeous!! Im looking foward to hear how you get on tomorrow babe you can do this :) xxx
Emariex said:
Aww thankyou gorgeous!! Im looking foward to hear how you get on tomorrow babe you can do this :) xxx

Ahh well let's see eh?! After my last attempts I've lost my confidence. Xxx