Emma's Diary :)

i now how you feel bout getting bloated- it makes not eating a lot easier and get full from a shake or bar a lot quicker lol
on the other hand it makes you feel like a fatty lol. i always think theres no way ive lost weight when i feel so big :p
hehe exactly! does this mean im in ketosis?? - so confuseddd? love the pic btw lucy your so pretty :)
Yess sounds like ketosis to me hunny :) Xx
Great isn't it ;) xxx
hehe exactly! does this mean im in ketosis?? - so confuseddd? love the pic btw lucy your so pretty :)

aww thank you :) but i am bout 2 and half stone lighter in that pic lol cant wait to get there again!

im guessing that means you're in ketosis- ive felt like that a few days now and it really does make it easier. im the same tho im convinced i cant lose weight when i feel so full lol

enjoy your shake day :) x
Have you had a meal pack today? Have some of the allowed veg if you've got any, it really does help!
Today ive had 3 shakes 1 bar and 2 scrambled eggs with a touch of milk...

i shouldnt eat anything else im at 700 calories and dont wana spoil how good im doing!

might just have an early night!

if it was easy everyone would be slim right?!

Dont wana be fat forever im gonna do this!!!!

Have a nice relaxing bath and early night it's what I do ;) lol sleep today away.

Stay strong and you will be rewarded :) x x x
Bananas said:
Hi Emma

Just read through your diary, sounds like youre doing really well. :). You are not letting the wee blips (if u can even call them that) put you off and that is real success in my book!
Heres to a good day!

Awww thankyou lovely! Its hard but im nearly through the first week :D how are you getting on? Xxxx
Your doing good, getting through the hard days! Hope today is better

I feel your pain on studying.. I've got a huge pile of cases to get through this week Ugg LOL