Emma's journey to becoming a slim bride *09/08/13*

Well done reading your thread is inspiring, was wondering how I'd manage but like you I think I'll raise my fitness level slowly x
Hi Emma, just been reading through your thread. You've been doing great, keep at it!

I get married 7th Sept and thought losing weight this time would be easy as I want to be a thin bride but I've really struggled.

I started 7/1/13 and was 14st 0.5lb. Weighed in on Sat at 13st.

Next mini goal is to get to 12st 7lb by end of April as its my mums 60th and she's having a bit of a do.

Nice to have another bride to share stories with!
Hi ladies, thank you for your replies :)

jackokatey, slowly but surely has worked for me. The first time I got on a cross trainer I almost threw up :/ but I can now do 25-30 minutes. I tried to do the couch to 5k but It made me feel awaful but I'm thinking of giving it another try soon.

MrsB2B, I think you're doing great! I started slimming world around the same time and ive only lost 6.5lb more than you on the plan and I have a lot more to lose. A stone is a great achievement :)

At last weeks weigh in I was 14.13 so ive finally got into a weight bracket I haven't been in for years! I have a long way to go but I'm so pleased with the weight I've lost far. I'm feeling so much happier and my smallest trousers and are to get too big!

My wedding dress is an 18 but I think that's actually a UK14-16 so my first big target is to make that dress fit! I tried the dress on in an 18 and it was no where near closing. I measured my waist when i started SW and it was 42"...the dress is 34.5.When i finally decided to buy it, my waist was 37" so ive only got 2.5" to go now :D :D I was supposed to pick it up on Friday but with the weather being rubbish, the lady Is dropping it off with my sister who lives near by. That means I won't be getting it until mid April......on the plus side that's 2 weeks closer to it fitting :)

How are your wedding preparations going so far?
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I have my dress!! It's gorgeous and I really can't wait to wear it.

As predicted, it doesn't quite fit. I think I'm about an inch away from it zipping up and 2 inches away from it fitting comfortably. Hopefully that's do-able!!
You've got loads of time Emma. 2 inches is about a dress size? So should be about a stone I think.
Have you tried 30 day shred? It's quite hard but really makes a massive difference to inch loss and tones you up.
Hi MrsB2B, sorry its taken so long to reply I've been avoiding this place because I've not been very good diet wise :( I just can't seem to get my head inside although I've got the biggest incentive in the world. During the last 5 weeks I've only lost 1.5lb and I've probably put that back on this week :(

I have 2 and 1/2 weeks until my hen party and I'm going to push to get to 14st. I need to do this.
I know exactly how you feel... I've only just come back after about 3 weeks off. I've put weight on and am gutted, just don't know why I can't do it.

I weighed in on Sat and was back up to 12.13, but that didn't stop me eating and drinking over the bank holiday!!!

I've had a word with myself and I've started the JUDDD diet on Tuesday, mainly as I go to Spain for my hen do on 6 June and I know i'll put some weight on with 5 days all inclusive :)

My aim is to lose a bit before I go, so I can put that back on whilst away and then 2lb a week at least every other week.
Yep, it's so hard to control yourself sometimes and it can be so frustrating.

i lost 2lb last week but I'm still 2.5lb away from my lightest. I'm hoping to do that this week but I'm not holding my breath! I feel like I've hit a wall with my weightloss. I haven't tried my dress on for ages but I think I'm about 6lb down from when I last did so hopefully it's close to closing. Fingers crossed!

I hope you're having a great time on your hen do :D I have mine this coming Saturday :) Exciting!!
6 weeks and 2 days and my dress still doesn't quite fit.

I'm going to give it 3 weeks before I start to panic and buy a corset lol. It's not far away from zipping, less than an inch, so I'm going to stick with the SW plan and up my exercise. I went for a fast walk/ alternating jog yesterday and I'm going to try and do that at least 3x's a week. For the days I can't do it (work/kids), I'm going to do 30 day shred.

Ive lost 4 stone to wear this dress. I'm not going to give up now.
Well done Emma!

I've suddenly reaslised its 10 weeks on Sat until my wedding, so im doing the same. Back on SW and sticking to it until the wedding and running/Boxercise/circuits 4/5 times a week....if that doesn't work god knows what will!
4 weeks tomorrow! I can't believe it's almost here!

Im sticking to SW religiously and I'm on trying to do much exercise as I can. Please let me lose that last half inch. Please!
3 weeks today!

Trying on the dress tomorrow! Ive worked really hard so I hope it fits properly.
Bet you can't wait!

Good luck with the dress fitting, let us know how you get on. X
Hi MrsB2B, it fits!!! Well I say fits, it closes which is more than it did 2 weeks ago. I'd like to lose a little more but It'll be OK if I don't :) It's a tad too big at the top but I'm a hoping a good strapless wonder bra will sort that out ;)

2 weeks and 2 days now. I'm starting to feel really sick with nerves to be honest.
You dress will be getting too big if you carry on with losses like that!! Lol.

Have you been trying hard to lose or has it just fallen off with stress?
We did it!!!

ive been a married lady for 2 weeks now :D

We had the most fantastic day and I must admit, I felt amazing in my dress. It fitted perfectly :)

A sneaky pic for you!


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Congratulations! You look stunning! :) well done on your weight loss!