Good luck Emma. I hope your refeed is going ok for you. "size 10" on the refeed forum is an absolute star if you need any comfort. She has the low down on refeeding

I'm just back from 2 1/2 weeks in NYC. I re-fed before I left. I was terrified to eat and parranoid about having alcohol. TFR is so easy really because the choices are made for you. but once I re-fed I really enjoyed my food and drinks. Just keep clear of the starches and you will do fine. I've put on i think 4 lb (weighing in 2morrow)which I am ok with as it was NYC... I hope to lose another 16lb and i'm going back on trf at the beginning of next week to do it. what ever you decide, you will succeed. looking forward to your pics. p.s. i am also very jealous of those thighs lol xxx