I had a little go in the kitchen, but I'm still very wobbly! Need to practice a bit more I think! I'm going out with a friend for a skate on Saturday, so hopefully I'll get the hang of it soon
I bought a cheap blender from Tesco last night, and everyone was right, it is much nicer blended properly! The only downside though, is that when I just mix it in a jug with a fork, it's the perfect amount of liquid to fill my glass, but when I blended it, it went so frothy that I ended up with a glass and a half! I guess it's good to have more, but it means more washing up afterwards! Lol.
I got two boxes of the Ultra Slim powder (chocolate) and some of the bars. I had a bar for breakfast today and my stomach was really grumbling two hours later! The shakes keep me filled up for much longer, so I'm not really that impressed with the bars so far. I'll use up the ones I've got, but if I'm this hungry every day, then I'll not bother buying them again.
Got my project bound today, so it's all officially finished, just need to hand it in tomorrow now! Also handing my essay in tomorrow (once I've finished it tonight!) so that's all of my assignments done, just 4 exams to revise for now, then I'm finished!