Oh my God, skating was awesome!

I'm a little shocked at myself that I actually got up at 8am (on a Sunday!) to be there for 9, but I did it! I went on my own, and even though I didn't know anybody, it was great! There was two other girls who were brand new, so we stuck together. We skated round the track for a while, and it was great, I was a little wobbly for the first few laps, but I got the hang of it fairly quickly

Then we had to learn how to fall properly, as there is a lot of pushing and shoving and falling down in the roller derby sport. There are 5 ways to fall down, apparently! I had knee and elbow pads on, but I've still got a bruise coming through on my left knee lol. But I had so much fun! It was a two-hour session, but I've only counted it as one hour on MFP because we weren't skating continuously for two hours. One hour is still 774 calories though! Can't believe it
Then I went out for lunch at 12. I was starving by the time we got to the pub, cos I'd only had one shake and a snack, and I'd burned off all those calories, I felt pretty faint! I tried not to pile my plate too high, but it was mostly veg. I had one boiled potato, two roasties (couldn't resist!), and one yorkshire pudding, which was quite bad, but I figured I'd earned it! Lol. I also had a pile of carrots and cauliflower, as they're the only vegetables I like, I had loads of them! It was absolutely beautiful, the beef was crumbling, and it was just delicious!
Went to my voluntary job after that, from 1.30-5.30. We had a little party, with karaoke, and party food. But luckily, I was pretty stuffed from lunch so throughout the entire session, all I ate was two tiny party rings and a drumstick lolly. I was quite pleased with that
Pretty tired now, it's been a busy day. I've got a feeling I'm going to be pretty sore tomorrow! But I've got nothing planned other than revising for exams, so it'll be fine.
Weigh-in number 3 tomorrow, pretty nervous! I think I've done well this week, but having the Sunday roast the day before weigh-in was probably not a good idea. Hopefully I'll have burned off enough calories to make up for it though. I really, really want to get 2lbs off tomorrow, so I can tick off the half stone goal. At least I can tick off the exercise four times a week for two weeks though, but it'll be so much better if I can tick both of them off at the same time

I'm going to be really good tonight, and just have my shake and no more snacks (still pretty full from lunch!), so hopefully it'll be all fine in the morning. Fingers crossed!