Goat herder(ess)
How exciting about the clothes! What a lovely aunt. But what a naughty aunt also, cooking you lamb and sticky red wine sauce! (Sounds delicious, though.)
Complete disaster, I've forgotten to bring my muffins to work! Thing I'll be ok, have an assortment if things in the fridge which should see me through, but I'm gutted. I love having my muffins for breakfast.
In other news I'm 1/2lb down on Saturdays weight, so the excesses at the weekend didn't take too much of a toll, not that I'll be repeating it!
You can laugh girls but last Sunday when I walked 6km, and my OH was due to meet me (on the bus) an hour later, I realised 15 mins down the road that I had forgotten my breakfast. Worse still, "breakfast" was to be little cubes of beef and turkey as I was saving my muffins to have with scrambled eggs and smoked salmon for lunch.
So... I rang my OH in a panic, to request that he brought my little plastic bag with him. He was not impressed to have such a thing in his jeans pocket!! ("Imagine if he'd been run over, and picked up by a paramedic", as my Mum would have said! What would they have made of that?!)