Hey Eric, good to see you back.
I know how hard weekends can be - alcohol weakens my will power big-style, and hangovers make me hungrier than I ever am normally! What's worse is that healthy food just doesn't hit the spot when I'm even a little bit hungover. I just want bacon butties, cheese on toast, pies, chips from the chip shop.....the list goes on, but I think you get the picture

Well done for keeping it together in between those binges though, I'm not sure if I would have managed an overall loss of a pound after a couple of weeks like that!
I guess what we all have to think about is what our priorities are. Sometimes we just have to say sod it, life's for living, and deal with the consequences afterwards. On the other hand, if what we're eating/drinking is taking us further away from where we want to be, or making us feel worse about ourselves, then it's time to make some changes. I have quite a few events coming up, especially in April and May, and I know that if I eat and drink what I choose at each of those events, I'm probably going to go into June the same weight that I am now. I have to decide whether I'm prepared to pass up on some of that food/drink in favour of losing some weight or not!
What it boils down to is whether you want to take the 'scenic route' to a slimmer you, or whether you just want to sprint to the finish.....I'm aiming for somewhere in between
Hope you don't think I'm lecturing....I just ramble sometimes, especially when something resonates with me