Tuesday 23rd -
Breakfast: Coffee and toast (
2 syns)
Lunch: Spicy pear and Feta Salad with mixed veg -
1 HEXA for Feta
Tea: Harrissa chicken with celeriac AND swede chips and veggies.
0.5 syns for harrissa.
Snacks: Satsumas, box of raspberries, apples, pear, pack of Quorn slices.
I've stayed the same this week. Not bad as it's TOTM and was at a wedding over the w/e with fry up and vino, so the superfree seem to have cancelled that out

TOTM I usually STS or lose half a pound max so not bad. Keeping up the superfree for the rest of this week though as I'm going on holiday Sat for a week, so want to mimimise the damage in advance
Had the persimmon salad yesterday which was yum but a bit *too* sweet, so tried it again with pear today:
Then good ol' reliable harrissa chicken for tea. Since I have eight jars of the stuff now
Made double chips! Celeriac AND swede, as I am currently swamped by veggies and ging away at the w/e!
Ommmm thats making me hungry... chips for brekky?