Saturday 19th -
Extra Easy
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast
2 syns
Lunch: Spicy root & lentil casserole leftovers
2 syns for paste
Tea: Partridge in speck with puy lentils in a redcurrant sauce, with a side of green beans & roast celeriac matchsticks
1.5 syns for speck,
2 syns for red wine & redcurrants. (Tbh the amount of fat on the speck Im pretty sure it was Wa-ha-hey more than 1.5 syns but Ive eaten it now so sod it

Snacks: Wine, about
35 syns. Think I need to cut back on this stuff, having too much lately, Im turning into a wino
This meal was faaaaa-aaa-ab!!! :drool:
I just followed the recipe in the end. Took the partridge apart to get the breast, was pretty easy actually. Couldn't follow the instructions as the pics were too small so just slid my fingers through the skin to get it out, coupla years dissecting humans has its advantages after all

(Lot easier than humans in fact, partridges arent pickled

So just seasoned the breast and wrapped it in speck with a sprig of rosemary, browned on all sides in Fry Light then chucked the redcurrant mix in to simmer for a few min. Divine!!!
The lentil-veg mix was rubbish tbh but the sauce O - M - G was sooooo goooooood!!! :drool: I made 1.5 times as much as it said and Im glad I did, it was lush! And Im always a sucker for crispy ham. the celeriac matchsticks went fab with the sauce too, Im really glad I added those and the beans as the lentils were so boring.
Deffo do this again! Not necessarily partridge but some sort pf poultry with the ham & sauce! Yum yum!