Monday 05th -
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast
2 syns
Lunch: Pick-n-mix-allsorts-randomness

Tesco day so desperate fridge clearout. Had some cold cauliflower and a few leftover celeriac chips with brown sauce on, then set fire to a box of button mushrooms. Once Id put them out I smothered them in Dijon mustard. They were OK then
2.5 syns
Tea: Xmas soup
5 syns for balls
Snacks: Figs, pear, Muller cheesecake
1 syn, box of tomatoes. Finn Crisp with Laughing Cow. Because I thought I was on a Green Day. Then I realised there was a turkey in my soup, that I was going to HEX, so I thought to myself "Arse"
SO I thought I'd go Red until it occurred to me there were also parsnips and potatoes in my soup. So I decided on EE and LOOKTHEREJUSTARENTENOUGHDAMNHEXESINTHEDAYOK??? :sigh:
SO its still a Green day and Ive HEXed my turkey and wasted
4 syns on Finn Crisp. And I blame it on the Tesco guy. Cos he was an arsehole and spilled my tomatoes all over the floor, crushed my eggs and stood there tapping his feet while I scattered around picking them all up with my facking walking stick. W*nker.
The soup was quite yum. I think Id use chicken next time, not a big turkey fan. Also I like my soup chunky so didn't whizz the veg. I couldn't decide whether to drag all the whizzy paraphernalia out just for the potato/onion base, but then I found I'd already dumped the carrots in the potato bit so that decided it for me, I wasnae fishing out a billion carrotlets
Overall it was VERY salty, Jayzus!

Never used these stockpot tings before, bladdy hell, theres an entire ocean in there?! Deffo dont need seasoning AS WELL

So the soup itself was not bad but Id edit it next time. I added quite a bit of herbs (sage, bay leaves, W sauce) and stuff but it still needed a little 'something else' (besides the salt

But the stuffing balls were OMG diviiiiiiiine!!!! :drool: They were so fab, they soaked up all the juices and were almost like real little suet-y dumplings, lush lush lush! Amazing, they so made it! drool: Without the balls Id've thought nah, I can make better soups than that, but it was worth it just for the balls!

So Id do it again but change it quite a bit next time.