Gold Member
Sunday 11th - Extra Easy
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast 1 HEXA, 1 HEXB, 2 syns
Lunch: Pear, leftover Keema curry
Tea: HFW's "Health in a Bowl"
Snacks: Apple, satsuma, Muller light
Looks pretty - tastes of pretty much naff all
Is Hugh Fripperly-Whuppingass actually any good? This is the 2nd recipe of his Ive tried that is just bland, bland, bland. :sigh: Im a bit bummed as I asked for the River Cottage veggie book for Xmas as it got so many rave reviews, but of thw cuple of things Ive tried his stuff just doesnt TASTE of anything
And his measurements are way out.
This was it before, just one gigantic pan of nonsense:
Tasted of nada, nowt, zilch. So I chucked a LOAD more stock in, loads of seasoning, half a gallon of Worcestershire sauce, after which it was, well, edible, but bladdy hell this sh*t isnt worth all the raving?
Hope the rest of the book isnt like this?
Serves EIGHT? Eight what? Elephants? Ive got to eat this facking stuff til the other side of New year by the look of it:
One big, fat #FAIL
Breakfast: Coffee & Toast 1 HEXA, 1 HEXB, 2 syns
Lunch: Pear, leftover Keema curry
Tea: HFW's "Health in a Bowl"
Snacks: Apple, satsuma, Muller light
Looks pretty - tastes of pretty much naff all

Is Hugh Fripperly-Whuppingass actually any good? This is the 2nd recipe of his Ive tried that is just bland, bland, bland. :sigh: Im a bit bummed as I asked for the River Cottage veggie book for Xmas as it got so many rave reviews, but of thw cuple of things Ive tried his stuff just doesnt TASTE of anything
This was it before, just one gigantic pan of nonsense:

Tasted of nada, nowt, zilch. So I chucked a LOAD more stock in, loads of seasoning, half a gallon of Worcestershire sauce, after which it was, well, edible, but bladdy hell this sh*t isnt worth all the raving?

Serves EIGHT? Eight what? Elephants? Ive got to eat this facking stuff til the other side of New year by the look of it:

One big, fat #FAIL