Tuesday 28th Feb
Breakfast: Coffee & fruit
Lunch: Squash & chickpea stew
Lunch 2: Lentil & spinach soup
Tea: Spicy root & lentil stew
Snacks: Baby corn, carrots, tomatoes, Quorn slices, Babybel light
1 HEXB, 1 Muller with cherry underlay
1.5 syns, 2 Alpen Light
Aaaagggghhhh bladdy hell just couldnt stop bladdy snacking yesterday

Just needed something crunchy and carby, nam nam nam... maybe too much soup & stew the last coupla days

After the night before's crisps/wine avoidance today yesterday the urrrrrrge was for Weetabix for no apparent reason...

Thought ah its OK Ive got plenty HEXes left - but no bladdy Weetabix. So Muesli'll do! Nope, t'other half has eaten all the muesli

There were them Quaker pots but tbh theyre crap and not what I neeeeed and way too mnay syns
So nothing in

Then I found some ancient Alpen lights hiding dusty in my bookcase! Woohoo!

So I snaffled those and tried to hang on til tea time.
Might have to do a reshuffle cos stew's on the menu AGAIN tonight
Just stuff outta the freezer as it was starting to explode...