Wednesday 03rd -
Breakfast: Coffee, Pineapple with coconut Mullerlight (
Lunch: carrot & sugarsnap salad with veggies
(1 syn for Hoi Sin sauce)
Tea: Vietnamese pancakes with Ginger & lime dipping sauce and salad (Mushroom banh khoai)
10 syns for rice flour,
3 syns for sugar (in sauce and pancake)
OHHHH my GODDDD this was GAWJUS!!!

I was *so* not impressed as I was cooking it as it was such a faff, I couldnt get it the right size or thickness to roll over without breaking, then I couldn't get the round lettuce to not break up so had to use Romaine. I tested a bit and thought it tasted really boring, as did the sauce on its own - but Ohhhhh MYYYYY *together* they are DIVIIIINE...!

It' s supposed to be finger food (a lot smaller than I managed to make it

), you eat it wrapped in the lettuce and dip it in the sauce between each mouthful and the pancake just soaks up the sauce, the mix of chilli, soy and sweetness just ohhh Im slavering thinking about it!
The b/f refused to get messy eating it like finger food, stuck it on his plate, drizzled a measly tablespoon of sauce on it and ate it with a knife & fork the true, miserable, British way

His loss! I got truly messy and loved it!

Id make it again but with a different filling, its the pancake and the sauce that make it really. And I need practise at the right size/thickness
Snacks: Apples, satsumas, greengage, leftover hummus & salad, 3 Mini Babybel light
(1 HEXA), 1 Muller cheesecake (
1 syn).
This is the sauce:
And this is my pretty inept and messy attempt at the pancake

But together, ommmmmm:
Very faffy though. Not an everyday meal. Needs practise!