Morning campers, Im still here, just slooow at keeping up to date.
Well Saturday was the first day I've not been on plan of any sort

Normally I control either the food or the wine or at least know in advance what Im having or how bad it will be

But Saturday was officially Cheese Fest!

Something Ive been wanting to snaffle at for aaaaaaaages, and they say youre supposed to only try four or five cheeses at once and all this rigmarole but I thought sod it, Im having the day off, and its better to have one big bad day than lots of fairly bad days, so we went for it!

So this week's WI is officially gonna be a write off, the scales screamed at me next morning

tbh it was a bit disappointing but sod it, its done now, the urge is now gone so we can get back to plan properly
Saturday 10th Mar
Breakfast: Coffee & toast
1.2 HEXA,
Lunch: Veg & puy lentil soup
Tea: Cheese & wine fest!!!
Snacks: carrots
Cheeeeeeeese!!!!!! :drool:
And accompaniments!
And, uh... Superfreeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!
