Hey Erm
What does the chocolate do to the chilli? I am assuming you put it through the chilli and aren't having it as a side dish!I have heard of it being used before, think it was Nigella who I saw use it. Is it a particular type you have to use? I am intrigued. I like chocolate :drool:
I love beetroot! Sweetfire beetroot sounds too good! No waitrose near me:-(.
ermintrude said:Oh its fabuloso! :drool: It just makes the dish much richer and smoother, deepens the flavour, ommmmm :drool:
I use it in chillies pretty much every time, and sometimes in other meaty things if they have a sharp edge. You need to use the highest cocoa you can get, and nothing sweet. Use dark chocolate, 70% cocoa or higher. You only need a square, maximum two for the whole dish so the syns are negligible anyway. I lurrrrrve chocolate chilli! Doing a chocolate chilli soup next week actually! Nom!
(In fact chilli-chocolate itself is very nom, I got some Montezuma's for the b/f for Xmas, he's quite partial to choccie!)
Waitrose and Hotel Chocolat both carry 100% cocoa chocolate. No sugar, no milk, just pure bitter choccie loveliness. That'd be great for chillis and things, and because it's so bitter it's not so great for nibbling (unless you love bitter foods like I do) thus removes the temptation from having it around.
Eeeeee Im all so behind! Been somewhat chaotic and off plan. Not many piccies. muchos beer
Friday 02nd Mar Extra Easy
Breakfast: Coffee & fruit 1 HEXA
Lunch: Chicken & veg stew, carrot & chickpea mix leftovers 3.5 syns for butter & oil
Tea: Venison & coconut curry 6 syns for coconut & coconut water
Snacks: Baby corn, snap peas, carrot, sweetfire beetroot, wiiiiiiine oh crap knows how many syns that was
NOM!!!! This was gooood, not so much the curry bit which was fine but the venison ommmmm and the coconut ommmmmmmm!!! :drool:
Sunday 04th Mar Extra Easy
Breakfast: Coffee & toast 1 HEXA, 1 HEXB, 1.5 syns
Lunch: Chicken & veg stew
Tea: Lamb tagine with merguez sausages 1.5 syns for oil, 3.5 syns for honey & prunes, 7.5 syns for merguez sausages. Fairly nom but not particularly worth the effort/syns.
Dessert: cheesecake 2 syns for flour & yoghurt. Pretty spewy, dont bother.
Snacks: Carrots, tomatoes, apple, cherries, nectarine, Quorn slices, Tesco sweetfire 3.5 syns
I'm sure there were quite a few syns in the lamb too but this was meant to be my Sat night dinner til I found out Fri I had booked months ago to go out Saturday :sigh: