Hi you sound like me! I have let myself go!!!:cry:WHY? I have no idea, but all I know is that like you if I do not get off my bum and do something about it I will get bigger and bigger and I am no way going to buy any clothes a size bigger than the 22 I am at the moment. I have 2 children 8 and 5, and really wanna go on holiday with them and be confident and proud of myself and for them to be proud of me. I want to have lots of pictures to look at, as if I am honest there are not as many photos as I would like of them and me when they were younger
Can't get this time back now! So here I am again, like you, and I am going to club tomorrow, sod waiting for next week, I WANT results by next week and sitting on my bum will not get me them. I wish you all the best and will try and pop in from time to time to see how you and I are doing.
Sarah x