Texty_F said:Its tomorrow chick but im dreading itfeel like ive struggled really badly this week - but i wont give up
Good luck with your weigh in. Oooh lovely dhansak!!
hi hun,
the baked bean lasagne is;
baked beans (obviously lol)
tinned chopped tomatoes
and you just layer with sheets of pasta and top with cheese. It was lovely and my 2 children had loads too.
After saying last night that I had changed my sleeping pattern I went upstairs at 8pm as I was sick of the soaps that are on allll monday evening and I read my book, I last looked at the clock at 8:45pm and slept all night lol.
2lbs on gutted - but a new week ahead. This week I plan to write everything down see if it makes a difference.
Good luck for tomorrow hun I know you said you thought you had a bad day but 1 outta 7 wont take u off track and if you turned it into an EE day then its all good x
Hi hunni - were in the same boat this week feeelings wise. Next week will be our week nothing will get in the way. Ive had a good day today but still feel really bloated grrrrrrrrrr.
Dont give up were in this for the long haul - we WILL do it xx
Thanks so much for the bean lasagne recipe. Def going to give it a go soon! Don't become too disheartened from not losing anything.
I started slimming world 2 weeks ago but it turned out to be a really bad time as a close relative was taken into hospital last Friday and is still on life support. I have been trying to stick to plan but with feeling down and travelling to the hospital and back a lot I've been having take aways and just having the odd binge when I'm feeling sad. I'm still making myself write everything that I eat down in a note book that I have started...no matter how painful it is to look at! I started a food diary thread on here too but haven't written on it for a few days due to feeling ashamed! Maybe I should just suck it up and write it all on here too! Anyway, I really enjoy reading your posts...don't give up! We can all do it and get through our rough times together!xx