i havn't tested yet, will need ANOTHER wee soon so i'll see then
will join u both in keto-land tomorrow...I HOPE!!
eventually remembered to do my ketostix test, no sure tho, says trace, but as i've never done one when i'm def in K then not sure if that's just how i show or if it means i'm on the way ???????????
hi Sonya,
i've had another good day too,absolutly & most deffinatly in K now, although still getting rumbles & hunger pangs, but then it took me two weeks to get over that when i started out first off, but i'm sticking to it & i WILL get there just like i know you will
just gave A some cheese on toast, apple and raisins. :sigh:
we can do it tho sonya! no picking for us!!!
I need to join you girls! I nearly ate half a choc pud and half a tin of custard one of my lot had left in the fridge last night. Arrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh!! Actually got it out of the fridge ... but then put it back and slammed the door. I wasn't even hungry or thinking about food!