Evilpenguin's food diary

The textbooks are still closed chick! So studying isn't happening lol.

I could but it's in a freezer bag and the bag is stuck to it cos of it being frozen, so I dunno if I can nuke it in the bag? I'll just have it later :D had my sandwich and crisps which has filled me up :)
Ok now I have a genuine reason for no studying. I feel a bit stupid actually lol.... I should probably be in bed...

Woke up this morning with a raging headache, and my vision was quite blurry, but I attributed that to the fact I'd just woken up and had no coffee. Took 2 paracetamol about 7.30am.

Started to feel nauseous so assumed I'd not had enough coffee or food, so I had another coffee and an oaty bar. Still felt nauseous, headache showed no signs of shifting!

Vision wasn't as blurry after the oaty bar, still had a headache and still felt nauseous though.

Complained about headache in off topic thread. The doorbell went.

When I answered the door and had to tell whoever it was that the person they were looking for was out, I stumbled over my words and sounded a bit drunk.

I have a freaking migraine! Argh! What is this?! I haven't had a migraine since I was 12!!!

I feel fine apart from feeling like I'm looking through clouded glass and one side of my head is pounding and the nausea. Boo :(
Ah I see yeh I tried freezing some food in bags but was too messy just use cheap storage tub things now, plus it's nice that they stack so easier to fit in freezer :) I have done no tidying either lol watching the anime Death Note, first time and it's very addictive lol! X

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Oh yeah my point was that I can't concentrate, that's why I haven't looked over my college notes, the thought of it seemed to make my headache even worse lol. I have a list of jobs I was going to apply for today too, but the thought of answering questions like "give an example of a time where you had to deal with a difficult situation" or other nonsense like that, well that also makes my headache worse :(
Ach that's rubbish chick migraines are horrible it's impossible to do anything but lie in the dark! Hope it shifts soon x

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Ah I see yeh I tried freezing some food in bags but was too messy just use cheap storage tub things now, plus it's nice that they stack so easier to fit in freezer :) I have done no tidying either lol watching the anime Death Note, first time and it's very addictive lol! X

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DEATH NOTE!!! Finally someone else who watches this lol!! I have the entire series on DVD, the films and for xmas I got the first book :eek::D
Yay :) I've always fancied it, I've got the movies on DVD but never had enough to buy the anime DVD boxset. Found it on Netflix the other day, loving it and how catchy is the theme tune :-D

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Ach that's rubbish chick migraines are horrible it's impossible to do anything but lie in the dark! Hope it shifts soon x

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I didn't even realise I had one. I get loads of eye problems, floaters and random blurred vision, so I just assumed I had my usual bad eye day and a headache, didn't put the 2 together until I had to speak to that guy at the door. It's been so long since I had one I forgot what they were like. I think this one is like a papercut, now I know I've got one it's getting worse. I had to turn the brightness on my laptop way down earlier, should have clicked then. I can't go lie down though I need to go pick my bf up in an hour :( will fall asleep and not get back up lol.

Re death note: the movies are ok, but the series is way better. I was lucky, the box set was a gift from the bf for xmas a couple of years ago, I know how much it must have cost him to get me it! They are so expensive, like we were saying a few days ago lol. I remember the theme tune a wee bit! It was catchy yeah lol. I can't wait to start reading the book, it's just reading it backwards thats putting me off starting it. I tried the first few pages and kept reading it the wrong way out of habit lol :( will need to really pay attention to what I'm doing when I read it!! Enjoy the series!! It's amazing. I love Ryuk, he's so funny. Oh I need to watch it all again :D
Yeh it takes a little while to get used to reading backwards, havnt read many really it seems like an expensive habit thy I should avoid lol but the couple anime I have read I really enjoyed same with comics I know I would get addicted so I avoid them lol! Hope you feel better soon, really loving death note so far, only problem with subtitles is it makes it hard to be on Internet while watching lol! X

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Haha I agree, you either have to watch it or pause it! I was cheeky and watched the English dubbed version on the DVDs lol. I know it's lazy but hey they gave me the option! How could I refuse lol. Some of the best movies I've seen have been subtitled though. I couldn't watch something like Battle Royale in English, it wouldn't feel authentic! I first saw Death Note online and with subs, like how you're watching it now, maybe that's why it was ok to watch in English the 2nd time round? :D
I just worked out that there's about 19 weeks until mid summer, July ish, when it will be quite warm (by warm I mean about 18 degrees:rolleyes: ) and I hope to be wearing slinkier clothes by then! So, if I lose 2lbs a week - hopeful I know - I could lose another 38 odd pounds by then, meaning I'd be about 17 stone... which.. from my calculations (using the stats thread and mybodygallery) could mean that I am into a size 20 by then! Woohoo!! I can finally say goodbye to Evans. That is my goal in life. For once I am actually looking forward to the summer :)

Sorry I know this is random but this is the sort of thing that goes through my mind. I will take each day as it comes, one week at a time, one weigh in at a time and all that. But I need these long term things to look forward to :)
That's great chick :) I love summer clothes winter involves too many big jackets! X

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Winter sucks doesn't it! I am still in my winter jacket but I braved a short sleeved hoodie today. It's not quite that sort of weather yet lol. I hate cold winter nights out when you have to cover up your night out outfit with a massive jacket, then you have to lug it around with you if you can't check it in anywhere. Or worse, a rainy night out minus an umbrella. All that effort straightening it and for what?! Bring on the summer! And the festival - outdoor drinking til 5am! Woo!
Uh I know I hate winter always so cold and wet, hate going out when it's horrible out I just constantly want to be home in jammies chain drinking tea! I guess I kind of got that wish this year actually lol broke ankle at start of December do it was good timing! ;-) x

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Yeh would have been gutted being housebound in summer but in winter was often happy to not be going out in that weather! :)

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Just wasted 2 hours of my life watching the 3rd paranormal activity film. It had its good bits but I essentially just watched 2 hours of people sleeping/an empty living room.
Haha so true! I've only seen the first one and only saw it a few weeks ago for the first time. Maybe everyone raving about it was watching an entirely different movie as I thought it was utter pants!! x
I quite liked the first 2, not in a "omg best movie evaarrr!!" kind of way, they were good for what they were. But the 3rd is not good. Me and my bf have renamed it "convenient activity" because in one scene the camera pans further back than it does in any other scene, just to show a swinging light bulb. Spooky.
That might not make sense. The guy has a camera rigged to pan a large room, he fixes it on to a fan so that it goes from side to side. In every scene it cut off just before that bit of the room where the light was.