Not evil at all
Well today I am pretty happy!
Was back at college after being off for a couple of days, had an exam first thing and passed it with full marks
And tomorrow morning I'm going to a uni applicant open day which should be fun, and will get to see my college mate. Then I'm going to get mother's day gifts (bf is paying of course) and also buying booze as tomorrow it's my birthday celebrations
not having a big thing, its only a 23rd and I can't afford to go out anyway
, so just me and the bf in the house with a bottle of booze
so err flexi syns tomorrow
My actual bday isn't til Tues, think I am having a steak dinner, a la SW! :drool: And for afters I will not be having any birthday cake - even tho the temptation of a TARDIS cake is really hard to resist!! - I'm allowing myself 1 thing from the bakery aisle. Might go for a danish pastry, or a whoopie pie, or a piece of cheesecake :drool: ah who knows lol
Aaand tomorrow is WI day! I hope I've lost this damn 2.5lb gain! Will be weighing in early, around 8.30am ish, as I have to leave to get to that open day thing for 10am.. so if I don't lose the gain I am totally blaming the early weigh in
Also!! I got myself a tub of this today, think I'll have it tomorrow after dinner! (which is either spag bol or meatballs can't decide)
devilmoo combines an udderly decadant mixture of natural and chocolate flavour frozen yogurt with swirls of chocolate-flavoured sauce and rich brownie chunks, all topped with milk chocolate stars. It tastes really naughty, but contains just 3% fat and 151kcal!
Seriously - 7.5 syns for the whole tub
? I dunno if I'll like frozen yoghurt but it's chocolate so I probably won't care
! They had loads of flavours. Yoomoo to hit supermarket shelves :: yoomoo Got mine in Morrisons for £1.50 or something. If anyone's interested!
Posting a food diary seperately as I have rambled on for too long in this post lol.
Aaand tomorrow is WI day! I hope I've lost this damn 2.5lb gain! Will be weighing in early, around 8.30am ish, as I have to leave to get to that open day thing for 10am.. so if I don't lose the gain I am totally blaming the early weigh in
Also!! I got myself a tub of this today, think I'll have it tomorrow after dinner! (which is either spag bol or meatballs can't decide)

devilmoo combines an udderly decadant mixture of natural and chocolate flavour frozen yogurt with swirls of chocolate-flavoured sauce and rich brownie chunks, all topped with milk chocolate stars. It tastes really naughty, but contains just 3% fat and 151kcal!
Seriously - 7.5 syns for the whole tub
Posting a food diary seperately as I have rambled on for too long in this post lol.