It is tough going at times, I did Lipotrim before and had a good result with it, but then I moved country and other things kinda took over, I want to get back to my wedding weight and then maybe a bit more, unfortunately for me my exante hasn't arrived yet so I'm on Lipotrim for a few days until is appears, I had forgotten how rotten it tastes!! Planning an early night for the next few nights and not taking too much on until the ketosis kicks in, so far today has been fine. Hate having to cook for DH but he's a low carber anyway so not much temptation in my house!!
Evening ladies!!........ Well I had my last gorge i mean supper today, and i must say i enjoyed it lol. I also had my easter egg too, as i know im only going to be aloud to look on and imagine when the boys are tucking into theirs.....Sobs:cry:, but i only have myself to blame for what ive become, and i know im going to have to put the hard work in (drinking those shakes :sigh, to get me to where i need to be, so roll on Monday morning.............x
Day 1 passed without incident, well except for some massive tummy rumbling last night over which hubs could not hear the TV !! lol But other than that it was OK, I was really hungry going to bed though.
Day 2 is already halfway over for me ( I am +3 hours on the UK), had a ton of water, several coffees and am now on the peppermint tea as I feel as though too much caffeine makes me feel a bit odd when I'm not eating, was praying Exante would arrive today but it's still with the courier so most likely it will be Wednesday before my first true Exante day...Lipotrim until then, poor me!!
Chins up for today everyone, and have a great start!! xx
Oh no! (Are you really in Abu Dhabi then?)
I hope they don't charge you. We got a hefty customs bill once for something bought online (can't remember what) I was a real bummer!