Total Solution Exante Newbie - support pleeease! :-)

Thanks Supersmileyme. You sound like you've already had some experience/postive results with VLCD. Do you mind me asking wether your losses were slower than average? And did it take you longer to reach Ketosis? One of my major worries is that i wont reach ketosis on 60g carbs per day. But then again i am a major worrier about everything if you hadnt already figured that out! ;-) I've learnt to cut back and stabilise my weight this past few months (whilst i was gaining, my appetite was absolutely ridiculous. It didnt matter how much food i ate i was constantly hungry. Starting meds has thankfully made a difference) I've just not managed to lose. Or I lose and gain the same half a stone repeatedly. Hopefully once I've lost it I'll be able to keep it off. I read so many horror stories about how your body will somehow make you gain it all back and more despite healthy eating, I certainly don't want that! Thank you once again for your kind words and encouragement, LucyDee :) really appreciated!! X
I have quite a bit of experience with vlcds :-( The first time I did it the weight fell off from the start. I lost 9lbs first week, and in total 4 stone in just over 3 months. I kept it off all the time I was single, but as soon as I met my now husband it went back on! Then I tried a few times more, but would quickly fall off the wagon.
This time, my loss was slower in the first 2 Weeks; 5 lbs first week then 2 lbs in the second. However, it has evened up because I lost 1 stone 4 lbs in the first month. I haven't weighed for a few Weeks now as I can't do it more strictly than I am, so when I go on holiday in 3 Weeks I'll do a weigh in then.
I'm not sure why I was slower to lose at the beginning this time, but I am on beta blockers for migraine prevention this time and they do play havoc with metabolism.
A big difference this time is that I know I cannot eat carbs. In my experience pcos means that we're severely carb resident, therefore if I carry on eating carbs I will never keep my weight low and stable.
My maintenance this time will be low carb, with 2 fast days per week.
I've done alot of research, making meal plans etc whilst not eating so that I'm completely ready for my future life plan.
Re toilet issues, I find Movicol to be good, it doesn't make you go, it's a softener that just makes it easier to. If I'm struggling I might have a sachet a week.
Supersmileyme - did you struggle to keep it off when you were single? Or was it just everything in moderation? I was always able to eat what I wanted before and maintain an 8-10 figure, difference was I knew when to stop eating! I'm hoping I can get back to that but we'll have to see. I've been single for a couple of years now and just don't have the confidence to go out and meet new people at all. I'd really love to though So I'm hoping food wont be as big of a deal/comfort/treat in my life anyways once I'm able to go out and get enjoyment from other things. It's a vicious cycle! As for carb resistance I did take metformin for a few months but could never get over the nausea. I've heard it's possible to completely reverse PCOS through weight loss though? X
Just to add - I think I've always had PCOS or for several years before I gained weight anyways - never had a period in my life other than induced by the pill. I was only diagnosed after seeing a new dr who seemed to be the only dr id ever seen who thought no periods at 23 were strange and needed investigating. Unless I'm just a very late starter and the PCOS did indeed only start around the time of my weight gain? Sorry for's just nice to talk to somebody who understands. I know no one else who has it. Anyways I just always wonder wether I suffered for years without knowing..?
Yes, I believe my symptoms almost completely went when I got to around 11 stone. Certainly my cycle became regular anyway.
I think I found it easier when single because I just didn't buy much food and stuck mainly to shakes even when I'd lost the weight. I then could eat whatever I wanted at weekends our when asked out or something. To me it was easy to maintain, but once in a relationship I wanted to cook, join in, eat out etc. It's been a learning curve, but now I feel I've found the way to maintain whilst being able to do all those things. Of course, the proof of the pudding will be in the tasting!
From what I understood it usually comes on at puberty. It can lay dormant, but I think it's more likely that most doctors don't understand it. None of the three at my surgery knew anything. I did my own research, found there was a cream available for the facial fair. I asked for it and was told I was wrong! Years later I saw a consultant who specialised in pcos and he asked why I wasn't on that cream!! Have been on it ever since, now I have no stray hairs - hurrah!
I'm lucky in that I've never suffered toooooo badly in that area. Although my lack on cycles really does concern me as a young woman who would very much like a family one day. I've tried twice coming off dianette (after it completely cleared my skin up-amazingly!!) under the advice of the doctor to see if my cycles would return (or start should I say) without them and both times several months have gone by and absolutely nothing... Acne returned and so back on the pills I went. It does frighten me :-/ I don't think they understand it either - you must've been so frustrated! Xx
Thank you all for your comments!! will let you know how i get on when i start next wednesday!! i'm sure i will be on here rambling and asking lots of questions and wanting support!! xxx
Evening all. Hows everyone finding today? Just a question- slipped up again this morning, had an idea that if i replaced a shake for a meal with no carbs at all it would get me into ketosis quicker then once i was in it it would be easy and i could just stick to the shakes. Ate some chicken and some cheese (ouch I know) not a lot though!! tested myself with my ketostix and it was finally showing up pink! Yaaaay!! Had my first shake of the day at 4 and tested again an hour afterwards and the shake has knocked me out of ketosis :-/ I thought once I'd be in ketosis that would be it. Do you think it's possible that I'm that carb resistant? Or is the ketosis you'd enter in say Atkins (less than 20g a day) different to that of exante? Am I making sense? :-/ I just always wondered wether 60g per day was too much for ketosis and now this has worried me. Sorry for the rambling questions!! X
I agree, I don't use the stix. I've used them before and they didn't show me in ketosis when I knew I had to be. If you stick to Exante 100% you will go into ketosis, this time it took over a week for me to get there. When your breath is foul, or you are feeling cold you are more than likely there. Stick with it!
Thanks for your advice :) im just going to ignore them. If not it'll just only be another excuse to give up - and i am not!!! Made it through another day (if you can count it with the chicken and cheese) I'm learning already that the hunger passes. Certain parts of the day I just can't imagine keeping it up but then it'll pass so I'm quite happy with myself. I think a lot of it is to do with boredom? I think weekends are definately going to be harder - less routine not being at work. More time to think about food, social events etc... So I've decided that Saturday will be my weigh in day. This will hopefully give me a fresh dose of motivation at the hardest part of the week? It does mean waiting an entire week though. Unless I have a sneaky peek mid week? ;-) Hope everyone else is doing well :) xx
Was naughty - jumped on the scales this morning even though I've not been 100% for a week. Lost 6 pounds! I know it's all just water but still, feeling much better than I did a few days ago. If I can keep this up I'll be feeling much much better about myself for Xmas :) How's everyone doing? Xx
Angelamee - where can I buy Bouilion from? What does it taste like? Hot cold? And what are its nutritional info? (struggling) :) THANKYOU! Hope every is feeling positive and doing well :) xxx