Hi :wavey:
I have just clicked the 'pay now' button for my first two weeks of Exante and have now come on here to publicly declare my commitment to losing weight!
I lost around 30lb on CD a couple of years ago, but have piled it all back on, and then some! I've popped back to my CD counsellor a few times this year and restocked on products, but did not stick to the diet. I think this was due to a combination of not getting myself weighed, and not posting on here - it's very easy to ignore the cheats when you don't confess to anyone!
Yesterday I halfheartedly decided I would have a low carb day - and stuck to it really well. Today I'm going to use up some of my CD products that are hanging around in the cupboard and WILL get back into the zone this week.
I've got over three stone to lose, although not I've set a final goal as yet, but I am sooooo looking forward to my clothes not feeling so tight! That has to be goal number 1!
I've not found the answers to all my questions about Exante on their site, but I'm hoping that there will be more information when my packs arrive. If not, I'll be back on here with questions!
That's probably enough of my

for now, but I might pop on later to let you know how I have got on today - failure is no longer an option!