Silver Member
lol 11 miles is a lot but you are walking a lot now so that is good.. you're going to do well on this diet plan..
This may be a bit long but i didn't want to start up a whole new thread about it.....i am leaving Exante to go on CD....there are a couple of reasons. The first is that i am really anxious about moving up the plans into stabilisation and maintanence, Exante has been wonderful...really wonderful in helping me shift the bulk of this weight but i just don't think there is enough information on maintenance in their portion sizes etc. I desperately want to keep this weight off and feel that i need something much more structured in order to aid me.
Secondly, the soups are really getting to me now...i honestly don't think i could stomach another one...i literally dread them. Of course i could just order the shakes from Exante but this would bump the price upto £50 + the £4.00 postage. Cambridge diet costs about £35 per week for the flavours i want so that's £20 difference per week....a lot of money.
Finally, i think i need a little one on one support which i would get from a councillor to help me shift and keep off the last of this weight.
I'm really sorry to be leaving Exante but i have to think of what is best for me now. I will still be checking in now and then and i hope you all get to your desired weight. Exante has been fab for me and definately does work!!!
Sarah, should we all be buying Woman magazine tomorrow???????
I have just logged in to update the thread on maintenance and read this. I am very sad that you are leaving us:cry:, but I understand you needing a little more support now. You have done sooooo well on your own with exante.
I will miss you on the forum and will pop over the CD forum to see how you are getting on.
Just out of interest, if you could have bought just shakes and bars at the variety pack price, would have stayed?
Good luck DM!
DM im so sorry you are leaving!!!!
I tried CD and hated it, you really can taste all the nasties in them after being on Exante. I had 2 shakes and they made me physically sick. Im sure you will be fine but maybe before you jump you could talk to Sarah as I know she would do anything to help you. Talk to her about the soups too.
I wish you continued success in your weight loss journey x