Exante support

@anna.claire oh no, how is your pup now? They really are part of the family, and put you through just as much anguish as kids. I’m doing ok thanks, scales haven’t changed this morning, I may take the battery out as I’m just torturing myself 😂. On the plus side I’m not really feeling hungry anymore although the constant smells of bbq’s outside do make my nostrils twitch like a rabbit! I’m on day 6 with no alcohol.. it’s nothing short of a miracle 🤣. Hope you’re having a better day xx
@Mummybearto4boys thanks, she’s still at the vets until this evening then fingers crossed she can come home. Reports are she’s bright and alert and I think she’s probably really bored as she’s a live wire! But they just want to monitor her and do her bloods tonight then hopefully she’s ready to come home. Miss her little face so much!
So far so good today in terms of food but I agree you begin to feel less hungry almost. Sometimes finding it difficult to decide what to eat whereas normally I would stuff my face with anything 😂
Thinking of having pancakes for lunch, I tried the lemon ones last week and honestly they just didn’t work! But I’m blaming myself not the product, I think I probably used the wrong amount of water or something. So I’m going to try some today but maybe make smaller ones and hopefully feel like a sweet treat! I know this second week won’t be a big loss as 6.5 was big for me last week, so hoping for just a pound or two this week and then continue ticking over. Feel a bit more into plan this week whereas last week being the first week I felt like I was forcing myself to follow it, feels a bit more natural like I’ve got myself a routine. Xx
@Mummybearto4boys thanks, she’s still at the vets until this evening then fingers crossed she can come home. Reports are she’s bright and alert and I think she’s probably really bored as she’s a live wire! But they just want to monitor her and do her bloods tonight then hopefully she’s ready to come home. Miss her little face so much!
So far so good today in terms of food but I agree you begin to feel less hungry almost. Sometimes finding it difficult to decide what to eat whereas normally I would stuff my face with anything 😂
@anna.claire I hope you are having a good evening and have your doggy home 😊. I’ve really struggled not to fall off the wagon today, hubby wanted takeaway pizza... oh what I wouldn’t have done for some! Still I managed to stay strong, for now! I’ve had to take all the rosé out of my wine fridge as that was calling me too... if it’s warm I know I won’t be tempted!
@Mummybearto4boys she’s home so I’m so relieved 🐶 thanks for asking about her.
I find that I need something to look forward to to get me through the week, so although I normally go wild at the weekends on my first weigh day (Saturday) I just allowed myself an extra few calories for that one day, to be able to have an extra couple of hundred and eat something extra or a glass of wine or something would then be a treat without going completely overboard And spoiling all the previous weeks hard work. But having said that that was week 1 which was ok, but i know in coming weeks I’ll struggle! Like if I open a bottle of wine, how is one glass enough? And then it’s a waste of the bottle if I don’t have any until the weekend after as it won’t keep! That’s my logic 😂😂 and how I end up going off the rails! But so far so good!
Hi @anna.claire and well done on your week one loss!

Sorry to hear about your dog, its such a worry when they're poorly. Glad she's home now 🐶

I hear you with the wine but there's over 600 calories in a bottle 🙄 Maybe you could get a one glass bottle and if you only have that in, you can only drink that? I'd stopped drinking wine before I started the diet and swapped to gin and slimline tonic but I've not had any since I started. I'm worried about the possible effects with having so few calories 🙄
@Mazza ive done that before yes, bought the little bottles and then one is a treat! Plus I get the munchies after a few too many so a definite no no for a while. I haven’t drank since I started the diet and I’m going to try and refrain for as long as possible! Will probably do me some good in more ways than one.

thanks my dog 🐶 is home now. She’s my actual child 😂 I can’t put it any other way, I was so devestated on Saturday when I had to leave her god knows how people cope with having kids when they unfortunately get ill. But she is home, she’s fine, she had a really good snoop around last night and seemed glad to be home so much happier! Glad I didn’t eat my feelings at the weekend as I’d normally stuff myself with junk to ‘cheer myself up’ but I was so worried I never knew what I fancied to eat. So it’s been a weird few days.
@Mazza and @Mummybearto4boys just want to say I know I’ve only been on here a few days but following your journeys and chatting with you both every so often has helped me to stay on track since I joined minimins, it’s the little things that keep me focused. So thank you xx
@anna.claire I’m so glad she home ☺️. Thank you for all your support too, I think I would’ve caved already otherwise! My first weigh in is tomorrow and I’m dreading it! I seem to have a super slow metabolism and I’ve only been having 650cals a day! Xx
@Mummybearto4boys i don’t think you’ve got anything to worry about, I think you’ll see a loss and be pleasantly surprised. Whatever happens just keep persevering and we will get to where we want to be!
Hi @Mazza & @anna.claire .
I’m soo disappointed.. and I know I’m being silly. I’ve had my first weigh in and lost 8lbs. Obviously it’s a huge loss but I did exante 5 years ago and lost 12lbs in my first week, and 6.5lbs at slimming world earlier this year so I can’t help but feeling totally deflated. I know my age is impacting, and also that I have the birth control injection which always affects my weight but I still feel really blah! Also had a massive row with hubby last night as my Merritt leave is up (bubba is 5 months) and he really doesn’t want me to go back as I’m a palliative care Dr for the NHS.
Still ... onwards and upwards! Hope both of you are having a good week xxxx
@Mummybearto4boys i do understand you’re disappointed if you’ve had bigger losses in the past but honestly THAT IS AMAZING! it’s honestly a great start and every pound is in the right direction. That’s what I’m telling myself because I know I will not get as big a loss this week. So please be proud of yourself and just think if that’s week 1, imagine where you will be in a few weeks time.
All praise to you for such an amazing job also...I do see why your husband would be concerned, it must be a concerning time for you both and your family xxx
Made a pizza for tea! Came in at about 189 calories! Mmm 🍕


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Weigh day... lost about 2 pounds so I’m ok with that for second week! Ideally still want to lose 2 more stone!
And I know it’s not all about BMI and I know some people don’t follow it, but I’m now under BMI 30 so that’s a step in the right direction.
Trying to make myself accountable for everything I consume after a bad weekend of overindulgence...I don’t want to go completely backwards so this seems like a good thing for me to do.

11am exante cinnamon porridge
Water, coffee and Pepsi max in between
Indian daal pot
Followed by a coffee
I’m going to have some water now

not sure about what to have next but think about 3-4pm will be my next product

I know some people say don’t have fizzy drinks on this diet, but I’m just doing low calorie so I don’t see the harm in having diet fizzy drinks personally

update later!
Ok so decided to have pizza again for tea with lo dough, purée, perk chicken, cherry tomatoes and baby bel light.
More water and another coffee 😁
Hi @anna.claire the pizza looks lovely! Did you use lo-dough?

Good for you for getting straight back on it too, its easy just to let things slip and before you know it, your back to feeling miserable. Big horrible old vicious circle :(

Hi @Mummybearto4boys too and well done on your first week loss, that's awesome. I hope you're getting on OK?