Exante support

So far today...

exante plain porridge at around 10am
We have some tradespeople around the house today (outside) so I didn’t want to be stuffing my face whilst they are here, so had breakfast earlier than usual.

having the exante beef and black bean pot soon
I’ve heard mixed reviews about this, most saying it’s disgusting! But I tried it for the first time the other day and I put some chilli in it and I didn’t mind it at all. Not amazing, but perfectly ok for me.

so 2 meals today so far and both a bit more like food...rather than just the shakes. I’m struggling with more than 1 shake they just don’t fill me the same.

I’m thinking salad for tea with either tuna or chicken, just keeping it simple today.

so will also have a bar or shake later today!
thats the plan!
Aiming for a couple of shakes and one healthy meal today, need to sort myself out I’ve had a few wobbly days again. So today is going to be 100% on plan.
First shake soon

Then have another shake mid afternoon

Evening meal chicken salad maybe with lo dough to make a wrap

Not worked out calories yet so if only around 200, could have one more shake tonight. If more like 300 then I won’t.

I’m back to it today! 👍🏻🤞🏻
Chocolate and peanut shake at lunch

chicken wraps with lo dough and quite a big salad for my meal tonight, so will be over the cals but as I’ve only had one shake today I think I’ll be ok!
Doing the Exante 4 week summer challenge from the website. I really want to stick to it and see what I can lose in the next month.
Probably more like 900 really rather than 800 but I’m ok with that!

Breakfast 12 noon ish - caramel latte shake with a spoon of beanies caramel coffee

Lunch 2pm - cinnamon porridge pot

Snack 4pm - carrot cake bar

Dinner 6pm - daal pot with a few veggies


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Struggling today because it’s TOTM and just feel so bloated so definitely went over on calories in my meal but all healthy so don’t mind.

Breakfast - lemon cheesecake shake

lunch - large tuna and Babybel salad, squirt of light salad cream

dinner - porridge pot

snack/dessert - strawberry jam bar

drank a couple of bottles of water, 3 coffees. Should make more effort tomorrow to drink more water but difficult at the moment as we have a workman at the house and I don’t want to go to the toilet every 5 mins!


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For my own accountability I’ve been taking photos of everything I eat this week as I started the Exante summer challenge - 4 weeks of plan!

as much as I’m following exante, I’m not telling myself off if I have a few calories extra. It’s all a hell of a lot better than I was doing before and I’m taking one day at a time, not beating myself up and just trying.


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I’m back on Exante today after a big break,
really happy with how it’s gone...

lots of drinks including water, sugar free cordial, Bursts, diet Pepsi and a few coffees with skimmed milk.

B- mocha frappe shake
D-red bean chilli with some added green beans
S-white chocolate and orange bar


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I’m back on Exante today after a big break,
really happy with how it’s gone...

lots of drinks including water, sugar free cordial, Bursts, diet Pepsi and a few coffees with skimmed milk.

B- mocha frappe shake
D-red bean chilli with some added green beans
S-white chocolate and orange bar
Welcome back 😺