This week!
This week has been fab fab fab!
Although I haven't quite achieved all of my aims they were exercise 3 times for 30mins. I walked home twice 1hr 45min so can tick that off as achieved.
Get a summer holiday booked up - done. Going to corfu beginning September. It will be 10wks this friday so diet is full steam ahead
Did not start squat challenge nor did I buy any hand weights.
I'm also taking a leaf out of burstings diary and using my body brush to tackle the cellulite on my legs, although I spent a bit too much time in the sun yesterday and burned my shins lol
This is day 14 without chocolate crisps biscuits sweets or cake. I say this every day to my OH and I think he's wondering when I will finally stop mentioning it...when I stop thinking about chocolate etc I think which I habe been told should take another 7 to go.
I also told a wee white lie. When I said I wasnt going to weigh myself...well I cant help it I'm a serial weigher as in every day. So last monday I was 16st 1lb which was 12lb down from the previous monday tomorrow is official weigh day but hoping for good news as I was 15st 11lbs this morning. If I can get that reading in the morning I will be mega happy.
Its another gorgeous I'm off to have my 45g or granola and my water then we are going a wee drive in our car today with the roof down

love days like this.
Have a good one
Oh forgot aims for this week
* walk home at least twice this week
* body brush every night before bed
* moisturise every night before bed
* source some hand weights
* squat challenge