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Well done for getting into the 14's x
Aw thanks binky. I'm well chuffed. Doubt I'll still be there after my vending machine chaos today lol!
Well done for getting into the 14's x
Aw thanks binky. I'm well chuffed. Doubt I'll still be there after my vending machine chaos today lol!
*wires your jaw shut and lightly kicks you in the arse* lol... better? ;P
Hey Tangerine.
We have to remember losing weight isn't just about stuffing our gobs with free food and drinking lots of water, It's also a case of training our brains too! It doesn't happen over night so you cant beat yourself up about it! You have to remember to just draw a line under yesterday and start today fresh, I'm sure a few 100% days will get you back on track, So it's just a case of hopping back on the bandwagon and carrying on with your amazing journey.
<img src="http://www.minimins.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=148940"/>
So as i was saying to beaut...i seem to be stuck in this rut whereby i cant seem to get enough chocolate. But something odd has happened and I'm hoping this is the reason.
I had my totm last week. Was fine and nothing unusual. A few days later it has came back. Now this has happened before when i forget to take my pill....when I've lost weight and my diet has changed. Both of these are the case at the same time but this time i have cramp which i never get. I am bloated which i don't normally get and just feel pretty meh!!! My totm never normally bothers me in any way. The past 3 months ive lost nearly 2 stone I've had them but never had this i need to eat feeling. I hope it goes away soon properly so i can get back to normal. Trust this to happen with only 4 wks to go. Last chance saloon and i can't get back on the wagon argggggghhhhhhh
I'm probably not the best person to speak to about ones totm, I have Poly cystic ovaries and it effects my body with facial hair and I get very bad cramping. I always have since I was young and I've been on my pill for a while. The pill I take allows me to take it all the time so that I don't have one but I never think thats good for my body so every now and then I allow my body to have one and god am I not only in alot of pain but I'm emotional, I'm moody, I'm super horny ( sorry tmi ) I want to eat everything! OR my favorite, I'll come on like 3 weeks after I've stopped taking my pill and suddenly be like " that explains alot " because I'd of eaten crap, come out in spots.. the works haha
What I CAN say is that I've just finished my 3rd week, I lost 8.5lbs, The week before I was on my period and only lost 0.5lbs and I was gutted that It didn't show, I stayed on plan 100% and drank alot of green tea ( took me about 12 cups to find a flavour i could bare) when I weighed yesterday it was like a double whammy of weigh in and it was a big loss. So if you are due on or coming on just remember your body has alot of extra fluid and it wont be a true representation of your loss this week, Keep on track and I'm sure the following week you will be back on track
Do you know what motivates me? go to ********* and type in weightloss quotes lol![]()
Woohoo...I'm up...I'm on the train already on my way to work. Cheeky wee 4pm finish. Home for a 5k run...sunbed and make a lovely curry for dinner....yumzers. 4wks today I'll be on my way...last chance saloon. Feeling good people!!!!
Hey hun, hope youre feeling more positive after a few low days. It's all part of the weight loss journey, we can't be saints all the time!! You've been doing brilliantly, don't forget that xxxx