Fabulous first week - now to keep the motivation going!

Thursday March 20th 2014

Thank you everyone for your kind words and lovely, happy smileys!

I am pumped up and raring to go for another week of delicious food. I still can't quite get my head round how good this food is. I see how some people on Minis struggle with VLCD / shake-type diets and I just know that I couldn't do that. I am so happy that SW works for me.

Right - onwards and downwards!

Red day today

B : All Bran (HEXB1), Aldi frozen summer berries + tsp of sweetener, Aldi yoghurt (1.5 syns)

L : Ham salad, FF dressing, multipack bag of French Fries (4 syns), fresh fruit salad

D : Aldi salmon chilli/lime/ginger infused fillets with stir fried veggies in a salt, pepper and chilli sauce (1 syn)

Snacks : Apple, clementines, Alpen Light Lemon drizzle bar (HEXB2)

HEXA1 : Milk in teas
HEXA2 : Not sure
- may not bother with this as I don't think cheese is going to go with my dinner somehow!
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you are doing fabulous x x x
Love this food. Love it!

plus French fries (you know what they look like!)

and a fresh fruit pot from Tescos - ditto!

Dinner :


Now I'm just trying to get some more water down me - was so busy today that I haven't been drinking enough.
Friday March 21st 2014

Green today!

B : Golden syrup porridge pack (7 syns) + frozen summer berries

L : Cheese (HEXA1) salad, dressing (1.5 syns) + bag of Ryvita minis (HEXB1)

D : LMcC sausages, mashed potatoes, mixed veggies, gravy (4 syns)

Snacks : Fruit

HEXA2 : Milk in tea
HEXB2 : Not sure yet
- maybe some cheese in the mashed potatoes? (I feel like there's enough fibre in today's menu because of the porridge - even though I can't count it as a HEX!)

So if this is how it happens that's Day 2 : 19/105 syns
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Sausage and mash!


My word, that was good :eatdrink023:

No second HEXB today - there is still time for an Alpen Light I guess, but I'm so full I doubt I'll bother.

Hope everyone's had a lovely day in the bit of sunshine we saw :character00238:
Saturday March 22nd 2014

EE today. That's one day on each so far this week - mixing it up!

B 1 (0700) : WM Pitta (HEXB), bacon, shredded lettuce, thinly sliced tomato, tblsp casear dressing (1.5 syns)

B 2 (0930) : Bowl of strawberries + Aldi yoghurt (1.5 syns) - this was to stop me being ravenous whilst walking round the supermarket, always a bad idea!

L : Gammon with salad, FF dressing, 20g grated cheddar (4 syns), ML greek lemon yoghurt (0.5 syns)

D : Chilli + SW chips (Not quite 1/3rd superfree with this - just the onions & tomatoes in the chilli, but I think it balances out to 1/3rd over the day)

HEXA : Milk in tea

Snacks : Apple, 2 clementines, Walkers Pops (4 syns)

Running total of syns - Day 3 : 31.5/105

To Do List :
  1. Take the recycling to the tip. I missed the cart when it came round as I was away. Can't believe how my recycling has changed. It is no longer composed mainly of empty beer cans :eek: :checkmark:
  2. Food shopping a.k.a. the never-ending-fruit-and-salad-cycle :checkmark:
  3. Get a new gas cartridge for my Sodastream. I love water and drink it a lot, but I do prefer it fizzy! :checkmark:
  4. Washing - the laundry pile is growing exponentially. There's only me lives here. Where does all this *stuff* come from?! ::in progress::
  5. That's quite enough for one day of supposed leisure! ::mucho tea being drunk!::
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Sunday March 23rd 2014

Red today

B : WM Pitta (HEXB1), bacon, shredded lettuce, thinly sliced tomato, tblsp casear dressing (1.5 syns)

L : Roasted chicken thighs, Fry Lite roasted new potato and parsnip (200g in total HEXB2), cauliflower, broccoli, carrots, sprouts, chicken Bisto gravy (3 syns)

D : Gammon stir fry, Aldi stir fry sauce (3 syns)

Snacks : Banana, 2 clementines

HEXA1 : Milk in tea
HEXA2 : Not sure yet

Syns weekly total - Day 4 : 39/105

I have one decent sized parsnip in the fridge, but it only weighs 180g raw - by the time I've peeled it and chopped the stalk end off it'll be more like 150g I think, so I'll make up my 200g HEXB with a couple of new potatoes and roast them all together. I think that's an acceptable "tweak" given that the amounts for both of them as a single HEXB are 200g.

(Edited to add : It was 124g after prep, so I added two small new potatoes as well. Took it up to 204g. I refuse to trim 4g off a potato!)

I did try those Walkers Pops crisps yesterday. They were OK, but not spectacular - which I think is a good thing because there have been so many BOGOFs in the supermarket that I now have a treat bag in the cupboard with the following : 8 Ryvita mini S+V, 6 Ryvita mini cheese + chive, 6 Pops original, 5 Pops cheese and bacon, 1 large bag of Twiglets. If they'd been an absolute taste or texture sensation then there may not have been all that many bags left by now...:eek:. I think they'll do just to take the edge of a savoury craving.
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I feel like I've eaten the whole fridge today - not sure why. As well the food listed above I had pudding after my lunch (bowl of strawberries with ML vanilla yoghurt), then just now an Alpen Light bar (2.5 syns) and an apple. And I seem to have drunk gallons of tea and squash. Been living in the loo :eek:

All on plan, within syns and so on but feels like such a lot.

Oh well, as it's a Red day at least it's not massive bowls of pasta...(I'll save that for tomorrow!) Dinner should be reasonably light, I hope :)
Feeling grrrrrrrrreat this morning :)

EE today - I'll be out all day and it does work out easier for days like this.

B : All Bran (HEXB), strawberries, ML. Banana

L : Chicken Caesar salad, dressing (3 syns), apple, clementine, banana

D : Pasta with HM sauce (tomatoes, onion, herbs, bacon, chorizo - syns to be calculated once it's made!), Parmesan cheese (2syns), salad

Snacks : Fruit

HEXA : Milk in tea

I've got my lunch packed up in my bag and I'm sat waiting for a train. Beautiful day out there, but chilly!

Happy Monday everyone. I know, I know.....I'll try to be less annoying ;)
Good morning Theria, what a fabulous weekend you've had! Love the piccies and also all the variety you're getting. And you just seem to be enjoying it so much! It's very heartening to read... I get hungry days too, when I just seem to need to keep eating. I think as long as you're properly hungry and not just thirsty, which by the sounds of it you weren't as you were drinking lots too, then just go with it. I think tuning into our appetite and the messages our body is sending is one of the big things this plan teaches. It helps to consign those old bad habits - eating for the sake of it, eating through boredom, eating too much etc - to the scrapheap. And the bonus is, there's so much to choose from when you are hungry!

All that said, I do feel your commitment is slipping slightly, refusing to trim 4g off a spud, I'm sorry, but if you're not going to take this thing seriously... ;) ;)

Hope your day out and about goes well. :)
Ha! Trimming 4g off a spud! Ha! ;)

Day out has been great, but stupidly busy. Am now on train home and this is the first chance I've had to eat my lunch. At 1550!! Luckily, I've been so busy (and well supplied with cuppas) so it wasn't a problem.
Thank you, as always for your support and checking up on me :)
Monday March 24th - Amended version

Well - after not eating lunch until four o'clock and an 11 hour day the *last* thing I wanted to do was cook a HM pasta sauce - and to be honest, I wasn't hungry enough for pasta anyway. I'll save the pasta until tomorrow if I get in at a reasonable hour.

So today has gone Red instead of EE and now looks like this :

B : All Bran (HEXB1), strawberries, ML. Banana

L : Chicken Caesar salad, dressing (3 syns), apple, clementine, banana

D : "Picnic plate" of 2 Ryvita (HEXB2), 4 Dairylea light triangles (HEXA1), cucumber, cold chicken, lean ham, pickled onions

HEXA2 : Milk in tea

Weekly syns total - Day 5 : 41.5/105


Overnight I seem to have developed a sore throat, runny nose and the start of a cough. Typical! I am so busy at the moment, I cannot afford to be ill....

I'm out all day today so. I shall try not to breathe over anyone and infect them :)

Wasn't hungry this morning but I have forced down a bowl of strawberries and yoghurt (3.5 syns) because I needed something before I left. I have packed 2 Alpen Lights (HEXB) and three pieces of fruit in my bag. If I eat all of it I'll be surprised. I have also packed some cold and flu pills, some Strepsils, tissues and a lip salve. I am a walking pharmacy!

So, no idea if today will be EE, Red or Green. It might just be a "get through the day and get back to your sofa" kind of day...
Oh no! Curse those filthy germs! Well done for managing some breakfast anyways, your body needs good food to deal with the little blighters. Hope things feel a bit better once you're out and about and the day is done quickly so that you're home and tucked up as soon as possible. I think Strepsils are half a syn each, or half a syn for two if they're the sugar free ones. But the priority is feeling and getting better, so get them into you if it helps!
Sending virtual hot water bottles and soft tissues and lots of fuss... :flowers:
Oh thank you for all your kind words (I saw you all, standing at arm's length with masks over your noses!!) :)

I'm back home earlier today and on the sofa with a cuppa. Still snotty and sore, aching all over but feeling a bit more cheerful and not quite so "death warmed up" as first thing. I've even turned the heating on :eek:

I think the cold and flu pills (Lemsips in pill form) might be working. I so rarely take any medication that it must have had some effect already :) I haven't needed the Strepsils, but I've had 5 Fisherman's Friend lozenges, I find the menthol in them really helps. At 4cals each that's 1 syn I think.

So : today so far

B : Strawberries, Aldi yoghurt (3.5 syns)

L : at various times between 0930 and 1430 : 2 Alpen Light bars (HEXB), apple, 2 clementines, 1 banana

D: likely to be the HM pasta sauce (3 or 4 syns depending on the chorizo and portion size), WM pasta, salad

HEXA : milk in tea

So that makes today an EE day and more successful than I thought it would be at 0600 this morning!
Early dinner eaten already - hungry after not eating very much earlier!

HM chorizo and bacon sauce 3.5 syns plus 12g of Parmesan cheese (2.5 syns), major amounts of chilli and garlic to help clear the germs, WM pasta all on a bed of salad.

So that's Day 6 - 52/105 syns used.

Will take some more cold pills before bed. Which might be quite soon... :)