Little Miss Christmas
Decaff counts
If you can switch to decaff coffee/teabags it's all good 
Yes - I've seen posters up in some workplace loos that show you what colour you should be looking for
Well, I've had three pints of weak NAS squash so far today and am going to squeeze another two in somehow this afternoon / evening. I've found a free app for my phone that sends me reminders to drink, so that might be useful. I am sloshing about the office!
Been thinking about it and I reckon I'd got into the habit of drinking a cup of tea when I felt a slight hunger pang - it gets rid of it for me and I don't feel the need to eat anything until I'm properly hungry. But I think they say you shouldn't count regular tea and coffee as part of your daily liquid intake because the caffine has diruetic qualities. So I *thought* I was drinking loads of liquids - and I was! - but I was weeing most of it out again. Oops.
Lunch was spectacular - JP with beans, hot peppers and some strong cheddar. I think I may have banished the cheese monster for a couple of days
I love SW :heartpump:
Decaff countsIf you can switch to decaff coffee/teabags it's all good
Any liquid counts as your daily intake. The diruetic properties of caffeine don't cancel out the benefits of the amount of water you're getting - obviously keep up the water intake but don't stop drinking tea if you enjoy it.
Bad news about the Alpen bars - I mean, it's not as if I love them and eat them everyday, but they are so handy to pop in your bag if you're going to be on the move. There are lots of other options I guess...
Decaff tea tasted EXACTLY the same to me. M&S's one is my favourite.
Bad news about the Alpen bars - I mean, it's not as if I love them and eat them everyday, but they are so handy to pop in your bag if you're going to be on the move. There are lots of other options I guess...
Good morning!
Listen, don't worry about the STS - the body needs adjusting time sometimes and I'm sure that's all this is - TOTM due or anything?
I've got a little tip for your HexA as well - I measure mine out every morning and put it into a sports bottle (mine's got the ml shown on it so it's less of a faff) and then I just use that all day.
Have a good one!