Fat and 50!! I think not..

LittleSis said:
Well I think I've paid the price for troffing out over the weekend!!! Still it could be worse...I could have put on but I need to get my arse in gear or I'm still going to be this weight when I go to Italy.. Not good :(

When I finish on here I'm going to go and work out a menu for the next week and stick to it....

So..Menu, shopping list, get some exercise!!!!

Sounds like a plan!!
Glad OH eye is ok, I went through similar dramas when my mum had a cataract op 5 years ago, she's still seeing the doc now!
Squeezy..Your more than welcome :)

Thanks Fiona... He has to have the back of the pocket that the lens sit in laserd at some point but they want to be sure everything is settled first !!
Thanks :)
My OH just got in !!! He hasn't got much more to do (harvest) and if the rain holds off we might get to go out for the day next week. Local Country Fair is on and my cousin is taking part in the tent pegging. So it would be great to go along and watch her :)

Do they still have farms in Emmerdle?? Well if it's full of happy farmers now and again... Grumpy farmers most of the time and patient farmers wives who smile through gritted teeth... Then yes...

I offer to help him in the fields but I'm not trusted with his babies (tractors!!).. Martin his right hand man just laughs and tells me to run before he changes his mind :D

It get's more than a little tense around hay making and harvest and I have to be thick skinned at times but on the whole it's not a bad life :)
Agghhh!!!! I've just caught myself thinking..."Hm shall I buy 1or2 Topic's when I go to get the papers!!"

I have of cause decided on none :)

I think today is a day to keep busy..... Garden digging at the ready :)
I'm feeling very bloated this morning :-| I started eating last night and just didn't stop!! Not even sure why??

On the plus side I now don't feel like eating anything so that should keep me in check today!!

It's peeing down here which means my OH is having a lay in but won't be a happy bunny when he gets up (harvest still isn't finished)..

Oh well I'll just have to see what the day brings..Off to see to my friends ponies now :)
Don't worry about the little slip last night. In the grand scheme of things it doesn't matter that much.

Sorry things are so stressful with the harvest and everything, I think if anyone can deal with it, it's you.
I love how it's us ladies that keep everything calm when the going gets tough.

Lot's of love hun :)
Thanks Squeezy :)

All came clear today... With out getting to graphic. I thought all my eggs were poached and it turns out they aren't which explains last night and why I'd put on 5lbs when I got on the scales this morning...I nearly passed out when I saw that!!!!!!

I had a visit from my friends 2 sons this morning and it always cheers me up when they come over to say"Hi"... They are my honorary son's (I can't have my own :( )..

The point to their visit was for one of them who is an IT wiz to try and connect my computer to our telly for tomorrow night's Jamie at Home party..Jamie is doing a live pod cast or what ever it's called..Anyway didn't work as my WiFi is pants..Which means we're all going to have to sit/stand around the computer, which will be cozy!!! :D

So all in all I'm feeling better than I did this morning and am now about to attack the kitchen :p
LittleSis said:
Thanks Squeezy :)

All came clear today... With out getting to graphic. I thought all my eggs were poached and it turns out they aren't which explains last night and why I'd put on 5lbs when I got on the scales this morning...I nearly passed out when I saw that!!!!!!

I had a visit from my friends 2 sons this morning and it always cheers me up when they come over to say"Hi"... They are my honorary son's (I can't have my own :( )..

The point to their visit was for one of them who is an IT wiz to try and connect my computer to our telly for tomorrow night's Jamie at Home party..Jamie is doing a live pod cast or what ever it's called..Anyway didn't work as my WiFi is pants..Which means we're all going to have to sit/stand around the computer, which will be cozy!!! :D

So all in all I'm feeling better than I did this morning and am now about to attack the kitchen :p

Don't kill the kitchen!! Lol!! Hope the harvest gets done ok I totally know what it's like to be held hostage by the weather, our business is also dependant on decent weather.
Thanks Fiona..

It wouldn't be so bad but our friends in Italy are moaning how hot it is and wouldn't it be nice to have some rain!! Of cause their harvest was finished weeks ago and they've almost finished plowing... If only you could swap weather as and when you need it :D

What is it you do??
I've got a bit of a mad day today..

I'm hosting my own Jamie at Home party tonight and need to set everything up for that (so much easier in your own home)..

I had arranged for the horses to stay out but looking at the weather I think they're going to be happier coming in!! I'll see what it's looking like later in the day..

I don't think I'll get time to do any extra exercise today as the party is an early start but if I can I'll do a quick 20 mins. of Zumba (I love Zumba)..

Goulash for dinner I'm making it myself so I can keep the fat to a minimum. So it shouldn't be to high in cals....I hope :eek: As I'm at home most of the day I can eat at lunchtime so I shouldn't be tempted to snack on the nibbles tonight!! I've just looked at the recipe card and it say's it's 646 cals per serving!! But I'm using spray oil instead of 3tbsp of oil, fresh peppers instead of ones from a jar in oil and fat free yogurt instead of soured cream..So that should drop the cals me thinks (hopes :eek:).... I'll see what mfp say's :)

Just worked it out and it's not to bad at all 428 cals..So I've saved over 200 cals just by making a few changes.. I was hoping to cut it by about 100 cals. So very happy with that :)
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LittleSis said:
Thanks Fiona..

It wouldn't be so bad but our friends in Italy are moaning how hot it is and wouldn't it be nice to have some rain!! Of cause their harvest was finished weeks ago and they've almost finished plowing... If only you could swap weather as and when you need it :D

What is it you do??

We work on the fairground, we have two stalls, and we are totally reliant on fine weather when we're open 'cos who wants to walk round the fair in the rain??
How'd the Jamie at home go?? Lots of orders?
You have my sympathy... Your line of work is probably more effected by the weather... At least there is always something to do on the farm...

I've had a good start to the Jamie party..The lady who's horses I do has brought £65.00 worth of storage jars for one of their hotels :D She's going to put them in the rooms for the tea and coffee :)

Fingers crossed the rest goes as well!
My fingers are crossed for you hun tonight. I hope the podcast goes well too.

Goulash sounds lovely, well done on saving those extra cals. I always feel a real sense of achievment when that happens. :)