Whilst it's not quite September yet in my head it is!! So I'm starting this morning as a new month and motivated
I'v got roughly 10 weeks before I go to Italy and I recon if my head is in the right place I can loose a stone before I go..
I've got to rush around this morning going to see to the horses then getting back to get sorted and off to the hospital with my OH for his latest appointment (fingers crossed his eye has improved :fingerscrossed::fingerscrossed I'm going to be pushed to get any exercise in other than walking the dogs but I'll see what time I get finished tonight and how light it is, I may be able to fit another walk or maybe a jog in
Good luck to all of you and let's kick ass this month (hopefully I won't need mine kicking )
Mozzie repellent - Boots do a fab own-brand cream. It's in a grey squeezy tube and has a yellow/red label (can't remember the name off-hand - sorry!) They LOVE me, and the cream actually works. You rub it in and it lasts all day. First summer in ages I haven't been bitten to bits.
Here's to the new month. We're all going to do brilliantly
Thanks Moog... They seem to have gotten board of me at the moment but you can still do dot to dot with all the bites on my legs I'll pick some of the cream up next time I'm in Boots just in case.
I remembered I had some of the lotion Squeezy mentioned and it seems to have done the trick
I've had the best day food wise for a long time..Stuck with the plan and threw a walk in when I went slightly over..
So all in all I'm a happy bunny
So I've just spent the last hour and a half "helping" in the grain store.. Most of it was spent balanced on top of the partition next to the grain dryer (hope there are no health and safety people reading this!!) whilst my OH topped up the grain pile and moved it around. Then the last half an hour was spent shoveling the grain around by hand.. I putting that down as half an hour gardening
Not a bad day food wise but not great either.. I've got a thing for hazel nuts at the moment but at least these ones aren't covered in chocolate
As soon as I've finished this bag that's it no more!!!!
The other thing I want to do is try,try,try to eat my main meal at lunchtime.. I know I've said it before but I'm sitting here feeling stuffed and I haven't even had my fruit this evening
So tomorrow.. Structured exercise, better planing as far as food goes and above all stay positive..Oh and get the tractors taxed!! I've only had the paper work for a week
Whatever you do, don't forget to tax the tractors!! Lol. If you have to eat your main meal in the evening couldn't you eat your fruit in the afternoon?
I'm going to the farm shop tomorrow, so I'll so what they've got in.. I love oranges but they have to be just so or I'll leave them!! It's a bit like bananas...
I'm O.K. thanks Squeezy.. Everything get's a bit mad when harvest is on!!! I have to do my goffa impersonation So running here and there dropping people in fields. Taking out lunch because a certain someone forgot to take it with him ;( And now it looks like the weather is going to break :rant2::rant2: Never good!!
Anyway I've stayed the same again!! I'm sure it's because I haven't been doing any extra exercise as such. So I need to get going.. I'm going to do lot's of leaflet drops next week so that will add to my walking. Also need to get back to Zumba :banana dancer: Most of all I need to get my i don't give a stuff head on and start C25K..... That'll scare the neighbor's :crazy: :giggle:
Well I think I've paid the price for troffing out over the weekend!!! Still it could be worse...I could have put on but I need to get my arse in gear or I'm still going to be this weight when I go to Italy.. Not good
When I finish on here I'm going to go and work out a menu for the next week and stick to it....
Writing a menu for the week is such a good idea. Its easy to stick to things that way. STS is fine, at least you haven't gained anything. I am sure with your planned menu, and leaflet dropping, plus the start of c25k you will loose this time next week.
Can't wait to celebrate a loss with you.
Sorry it's so busy right now, hope everything goes well.
How did oh get on at the hospital??
Menu sorted..2 lots of fish and 1 chicken in there so not to bad also worked out low fat opinion's for 2 other meals one with pork and the other using lean mince instead of higher fat mince..
I do let myself be a little lacks on WI days at the moment but will have to rethink that when I get nearer my goal!!
Hospital visit went well.. It was a check up.. Not sure if I've explained what he'd done but he managed to stab himself in the eye back in March!! Fantastic Dr's, 3 op's and lot's of eye drops later he has about 85% vision in the eye.. He can see out of it but things appear small.. The time before he went they took out one of the stitches as it was causing irritation and he'd gotten some cysts on the retina but they have all cleared up now so we don't have to go back for 3 months