Fat boy starts today!

I like the level of productivity! I did that today, got my car sorted out, serviced etc and spent the whole day with family... until they started cooking and the smells killed me! lol I am just telling myself that my target is new years day... that's like next month! (well 2 months if you want to be smart) lol... I think having goals certainly makes things easier... I have calculated the statistics and I should be at my ideal weight 2 weeks after new years if I stick to the diet, but again those last 2 weeks will be winding down period I think! They are opening up the german market in Birmingham soon, should keep me occupied! lol how's your Saturday been so far?
No, it's deffo less than 2 months til New Year. Oh, if you plan on drinking on NYs eve make sure you eat beforehand and get out of ketosis.

I love the German markets and up to now have only ever looked at the food although it smells lovely.

My Saturday has been mixed. Although I'm not where I would like to be with loss this week I felt quite good when I got ready to go out earlier as all my clothes are loose and baggy :)
The signature is just a blank box for you to put whatever you like in, that will be at the bottom of each post. Lots of people put in their weekly weight losses and mini goals to keep them motivated :)

The first few days are really hard but once you're in ketosis you'll feel tonnes better!

Good Luck :)

How do you know when you're in ketosis? :confused:
Assuming you are following a VLCD then usually it involves ketosis, which will happen anywhere from day 2-5. You may get a strange taste in your mouth which makes you paranoid about your breath and you will suddenly find you don't feel hungry (don't confuse this with cravings as you will still get those, we're talking actual real hunger here). You may also find you feel like you have more energy after a few days of feeling run down and crappy. That's usually a sign you've gone through your detox and are now in ketosis. Providing you stick to your plan 100% you will stay in ketosis and start burning fat as fuel, hence the quicker weight loss than most traditional diets.
Assuming you are following a VLCD then usually it involves ketosis, which will happen anywhere from day 2-5. You may get a strange taste in your mouth which makes you paranoid about your breath and you will suddenly find you don't feel hungry (don't confuse this with cravings as you will still get those, we're talking actual real hunger here). You may also find you feel like you have more energy after a few days of feeling run down and crappy. That's usually a sign you've gone through your detox and are now in ketosis. Providing you stick to your plan 100% you will stay in ketosis and start burning fat as fuel, hence the quicker weight loss than most traditional diets.

Thank you for letting me know :)
Great advice Kuromi, yep abz I agree, one thing I do to check i'm in Ketosis is to use the ketostix that my pharmacist gives me, it may be worthwhile to ask your pharmacist if they have some... usually after about 5 days or so you will notice keytones in your urine (although i've never had an issue with it, I have heard some people lose weight but not have their ketostix change colour) but I think for the majority if people it does! But as long as you haven't cheated and stuck to the diet 100% you will be in ketosis :)

wooo the weekends almost over, bring on week 3!
I think the last time I did LT. by the time I got to week 6 and checked the ketostix it was a really motivating factor to know i've been in ketosis for so long, i mean if you can get your hands on it for one day it might just be nice to read lol but as long as you are droping on the scales that's all that matters and you know you are fine! It's also affected by the amount of water you drink, like the more water you drink (your daily 2-4 litres) the lighter the colour is, but it was nice when i tested in the morning when i just woke up it was like dark purple and although i know it's cost i was dehydrated, seeing the strong concentration of ketones was a motivator lol it's nice because when you are eating food and take a sample there is no ketones (i tried it on the first day of LT just to test it out), but yes i better shut up about ketosis now... see this is what happens when you have gone almost 3 weeks without food! haha
Believe me I'm with you on this. I so want to eat something as I feel like I'm the only one who's been 100% from the start but daren't as it will most certainly knock me out of ketosis.
lol yeah that's the sad thing, sometimes we feel a bit lonely I think there is certainly a solace in coming on this website and realising how many people are sharing the pain with us! haha oh i've found out i'll be meeting a really good friend on xmas even and going out, so i'll be stopping the diet in about 5 weeks but i'm happy with that :) hopefully by then i'll be a long way into where I want to be and probably only another 4 weeks after that before im at my target goal/weight :D i'm kind of looking forward to getting back into the gym and things!
I'm going to try and keep going for as long as I can until I either reach goal weight or one of my nights out is due. I've switched over to S&S today for multiple reasons. I think that will make it far easier to keep going as I was struggling with being cold all the time on LT, so at least now I can have something warm to eat and also now I can always have something like a salad when with other people rather than sitting with just water. I've got just over a stone left to go so thought I'd do the last bit on this diet as I also like their refeed better than the LT one, although tbh if it was summer I would have probably been happy to stick with LT for the full duration as I wouldn't mind drinking cold shakes all day.

But I think you are right - this diet does isolate people and make them feel lonely so it is nice to have the forums for support and know what we are going through is a joint thing and not just us going mad. It is hard going each day with out being able to join in and just sticking to shakes every day.
hahaha thanks Lindo, honestly I still remember the day you came back on this site and to look at your profile and see the 5stone drop inspires me so much! Time has flew by and even when I was off for like 6 weeks you were still going strong, keep up the hard work pal we all need a break but what i'm realising now is that once you get into this diet, the benefits far outweigh the costs... LT is just normal for me now, I watch people eat and honestly... sometimes I think i don't want to go back to eating lol you have so much more time in your life when you're not eating... i never realised that when I had lunch, dinner or breakfast I usually take out so much time in my life for it... but i've been reading books and doing all sorts with all the extra time! Oh and guess what, me and you are the same waist size, so well done to you! lol I am a 44 at the moment, even though i'm 15st.5 it all tends to gather around the mid section! Anyway thanks for the encouragement :) love seeiong your pic, those cheek bones are shining like a real model ;) lol yes we will be fighting them off haha
Hey Lindo! Aww it's going OK pal, this Friday will be week 4 done for me, I plan to do another 4 weeks, then come off for a few days, and then 6 weeks... I think by the end of Jan I will be coming of LT (As you rightly predicted) and you won't be far behind me at all, by March you will certainly be off it I reckon! Just drinking tonnes of water and trying to keep busy - weekends are the hardest but honestly I find this being my second serious time doing it... it's a lot easier than the first... i mean i got to 6 weeks the first time round, but then went off for 2 months or so and put like 20lbs back on,,, it's taken me the last 4 weeks to lose that again (so i've definately learnt my lesson, and so has my wallet) lol but yeah I think my determination is much greater now!

The feeling of seeing pink on those ketostix is great! lol oh and i'm not obsessing on the weighing scales anymore, last time i was checking them like every day (even though I knew i shouldn't have been) but this time around i'm just checking my weight when i see the pharmacist! How are you doing pal? enjoying those yummy shakes?? lol

You started looking for that MG yet? or have you bought it?? lol
Lindo I think you must have read my mind as I did the exact same thing yesterday, lol I ended up being Naughty yesterday and the day before but actually i'm really glad because on the first day, omg did the food taste yukky, it's so crazy that I was expecting to enjoy the food but each bite i took (i ended up having a burger and chipps lol) it just tasted like it had no flavour... i think because it's been a month without food my tongue forgot what it tasted like... anyway the feeling was absolutely rubbish. Yesterday though I had a pizza and ill be honest that has been my biggest craving for the last month since i been on this diet... during the start of my LT this time around i watched this little documentary thing on new york style pizza and honestly mate everyday i was obsession so yesterday i and my family sucummbed to a pizza hut italian style lol but honestly it was worth it - i've woken up today, but the last 2 days behind me and starting fresh now... in the last 4 weeks i've deffo lost, and now i'm going to go another 4 weeks up until new years eve (and I know me - i won't stop until i get to 24/12/13), and then again i'll come off for 2 days (that day i'm actually going to have authentic NY pizza) haha and then i'm gonna jump on for the final 6 weeks!! wow! Honestly mate, no regrets... feels like i've kicked the demons out the closet and i'm starting a fresh - anything i've put in is water weight and I have my weigh in tomorrow (but not with my pharmacist as she's away, phew... lol) so my next weigh in is next Friday, so i've got 7 days to get back into ketosis hahaha :p hope you are ok pal and don't worry im with you all the way, we're gonna go up all the way to xmas now!
You're absolutely right there Lindo, worst thing is I have my weigh in tomorrow I bet i'm going to be a whale on the scale lol but it's ok because it's not with my pharmacist (I think I unconsciously cheated because my pharmacist is off this week) haha but I am seeing her again next Friday so as I said that gives me a week to get back into Ketosis! Oh and that weight will drop within a couple of days it's mainly water weight anyway because I am sure we didn't eat that much! Well I hope not anyway, lol but yeah the first 3 days are a nightmare but i'm looking forward to starting my week next week with a fresh start!\

5 stones is amazing Lindo, i'd love to be able to lose that! I think for me ideally i'd love to lose around 7.5 stone, i've probably lost around 3 so still got 4.5 to go :) and yeah i'm going to have 2 days off over xmas and then just get straight back on the horse until the end of January if the lord is willing! Can't wait to fit into all those new clothes I bought (I went shopping on weekends to motivate me) but honestly food is not all that to me anyway, I don't have that love anymore that I used to and I thank LT for that!

Keep us posted anyway, you are definately one of the long standing members of the forum, I don't think I can remember anyone being on it as long as you :)
Hope you can get back on track buddy and your next few weigh-ins go well :)
Thanks Sag! Yeah I think actually having that 2 day break has really boosted me because now I feel like i'm starting a fresh and can easily go another month, the last 4 weeks flew by so i'm just hoping these 4 weeks do the same :) then another lil 2 day treat before finishing off with my final 3-4 weeks, i'm actually itching to get back into the gym, especially with a low body weight because then it will motivate me once I start getting to see my body transform - i've actually lost 6 stone in the past just through pure cardio and weights, so my motivation and effort when exercising is high but I ended up being quite young and dumb and putting it all back on - not this time!

How you doing anyway Sag, you still on the lipo? Last time I read you were doing a few more weeks then coming off??
That's good to hear Bubz.

It's amazing how much more energetic you feel when your body mass decreases and seeing as you have done so well in the past with your cardio, you will defo be in the zone this time round! I've been seeing a personal trainer for the last few months and she is shocked at my energy levels recently. Feel 18 again lol!

I'm doing well thanks - 14 weeks yesterday and will be 100 days tomorrow at 100%. Will update my thread at some point!
Agreed on the energy levels guys, and for some reason since dumping off 5 stone odd I seem to have redeveloped 'the horn', and I haven't been arsed for years !!

hahahaha you guys are funny, but yeah absolutely I agree with the energy thing - i was talking to one of my teachers and he was suprised because when I was talking to him he said "what's going on" and i was like "huh", then he said "you seem different, your more alert and on the ball" lol I think having more energy and staying away from food means you don't feel that drowsy lul moment, my breathing is no longer that of a panting bear and definately I feel so much easier when I walk... also all this water does wonders for your skin I took a picture the other day and my face was glowing lol who needs sauna's when you have lipotrim! How you doing anyway chaps? Lindo what date are you thinking about coming off? and sag you only have a few days left don't you? I'll have to join you for some shisha next year lol i'm just down the road from Leicester! ;) lol celebrations haha