lol @ lindo your posts always make me chuckle! And yes well we are going to be here until the end of Feb with you anyway pal so we can spur you on til March if god wills, oh and my birthday is in March too lol celebrations all around!
Kuromi since you've done the old shisha pipe in Eygpt and you only live down the road in Derby you might even have to come join us (theen again you'll probably be finished way before we are lol)
and Sag that peri peri followed by some sweet flavours is a deffo yes for me, whoohooo new goal

lol i'm up for that 100% ! oh and I know what you mean about the male shakes, to be honest i think the reason my promixx doesn't blend them that well is simply because of how thick they are, whereas whey protein is really thin in comparison, I can't wait to get back into the gym in Feb as soon as i've got to a low body weight, i'm gonna jump straight into the weights and just down the protein shakes, chicken breast, tuna etc I want my new taste buds to love proteins and not carbs!!!
How you all been getting on anyway folks? Coming on here and seeing all your messages has just pushed my motivation to the roof! We need to harness this positivitiy
