Oh I sooooo lurve this recipe. I've now adapted it to make a lemon drizzle cake and a lemon topped sponge cake - truly lush!
For the drizzle cake:
Instead of the vanilla flavouring I used lemon juice. I then grated the zest of a lemon and squeezed the juice, mixed it with sweetner (about 8 dessert spoons of sweetner) and then heated it gently over the hob to make a very runny syrup, then drizzled it over the cooled cake.
For the lemon topped sponge cake: I made the sponge as above. Once the cake had cooled I made a lemon quark "icing" using 1/2 tub of quark, juice and rind of a lemon and sweetner to achieve desired taste.
Has anyone had any luck making it into a carrot cake? If so, please can you post the recipe. TIA x