
f&f so sorry to hear what you've been going through, I am sure you will come out the other side stronger :grouphugg:

Funkymum have you tried the chilli soup thats really nice my fav soup.

I am looking forward to 2nd wi on Thursday just hope its a little more than last week, and am thinking about getting 2 of the bars although slightly concerned what this could lead to :17729:

Jack how are you getting on all ok I hope
I loved the bars last time and I was so excited about getting them last night. Any you know what......im just not fussed about them this time so I am just going to keep them for when I am out and about xx
Dreamer just noticed another 3lb down well done xxx
Hi This time , i'm doing better today than yesterday , hey loving the emotion of the choc bar lol .
I weigh in wednesday , thursdays just behind , roll the weeks away lol
This time of day is good as after 6 i can cope no problems .
dreamer 3 is good , how are you doing ?
Day 3 almost over, strange to think it is barely 6pm and I am writing the day off. Am going to my bed early again tonight to get me through as this is usually the time when I am raking through the pantry for nibbles and that is just not an option right now.

Will go and have my last shake. Not liking the Forest Fruits one bit, bleurgh. Last time I lived on strawberry shakes but thought I should try a variety this time.

Can't have any of the soups as they make me itch and I cannot face any of the bars as even though it has been over 2 years, I still shudder at he cranberry and the fudgy bars.

Well done to all you losers, you are all doing great. Can't wait till I can put my loses up, no matter how big or small, will delighted with anything.

ok so what do you all think,

My first wi of 4lbs was disappointing :mad:, because I was 100% ss no cheats, but here's the thing I was weighed on wed at 13s 4lbs I had decided to start on Thursday but was invited out for the day with my friend, so anyhoo Wed and Thurs I ate loads, like the last supper :D. I started Friday, do you think this is why I had such a small loss maybe gained a little in the two days and started a day late.

I just hope on Thursday its a good loss cos otherwise I think I will struggle to stay motivated :(
thistime - you did really well to lsoe 4lbs considering you only had 5days actually on the diet itself. i bbt you see an amazing loss next week, but 4lbs is still damn good, on other diets you'd be looking at 2lbs. hang in their, you're going in the right direction :)

louise - my heart really goes out to you. what a horrible thing to go through. hope you're gonna be okay. you seem really positive and its so nice to see, its like you're using what happened as even more of a motivation to do amazing on CD when you finally get started. *hugs* take care hunny x
4lbs is fab in those few days! Keep positive, do you physically know how much 4lbs weighs? Go find something and shock yourself!
aw Louise how awful for you! i hope you and the kiddies are doing ok!
Good luck for the week everyone! will try and get online while i'm away (i'm a nosy sod and love hearing how much others lose!)

Have a good week all xx
Wow I didn't realise we had any big losers on here, pun not intended lol. Well done Nally you must be so proud of what you have achieved so far. Bet you can give us all some tips for the long haul.

Dreamer I loathe the bars they always make me nauseous so now to get the feeling of eating I have the porridge. I like the apple and cinnamon one. Well like is probably a bit strong I don't think I like any of the stuff tbh but its hopefully a fairly swift means to an end.

Funky mum how did the first day go? F&F hope you'll be back home soon.

I'm feeling fed up with the weather its cold and damp but not really enough to make the grass grow. Fields have turned from dust bowls to thin layer of gooey mud:(

I think I need to get some more choc tetras next week I've used the few I had. I have been putting them in a large mug adding water and heating them . Real hot choc they are not but they make a good substitute.

How is everyone else today sorry to refer to you generically but find it hard to remember everything to put in post each time:rolleyes: Off to have another go at a ticker.
Oh I have lost all my focus...... ahhhhh. I have gone from one extreme to the other. From drinking too much water to not enough and I am really struggling to get my meal and a shake in when my hubby isnt working. Im fine when hes at work cause we dont eat until 7ish so I have my shake about 5 but I feel bad for eating when im not hungry. im not in K either so I am so tired. Im not hungry though so its not bothering me too much..sorry for the moan x
Have a moan thats what we're here for:) It is harder when there are others to consider isn't it. I don't find this weather helps with the water either. I was down on water yesterday and paid the price when I woke up with a splitting headache.

At least you are not feeling like you want to eat the fridge lol so thats good. Go look at the thread with the before and after pics I find that a real motivator. You'll be back on track soon:)

I am finding it harder as my hubby is here too. I did have a go at this diet some time ago before my husband had his stroke which has left him disabled. Sadly he takes his anger and frustration out on me and the kids but then they are at college and out most of the time so I bear the brunt of it:sigh:

I just try and think I should be able to do this all I have to do is not put the food in my mouth. He has been struggling with half his body not working. He has also lost his role in life, his job was important to him and he was the main provider for the family.At least he didn't die although some days I could kill him myself:rolleyes:

Looks like I have done my tracker its the amending it I get stuck with . :fingerscrossed: it works.
Well I did it , just had to click easy:) Reckon there must have been a coding error last time as it did nothing. Anyway I can see myself started on my journey now.

How you all doing today its a bit quiet.
Well day 2 done.... On to day 3 which will be slightly more challenging as I am off to London tonight for a seminar with nibbles and drinks but I'm not going to crack now!

Thanks to whoever gave me the tip about drinking the bleurgh shakes through a straw, I can't stand the taste of toffee & walnut or fruits of the forest (too chemically) and the butterscotch tastes (to me anyway) like wet cardboard!

I'm finding that I'm really bunged up in the bottom area today.... is that normal?

How is everyone else getting on? xxx