Hello again girls. Haven't been able to get on for the last few days. Have been at hosp most of time with my daughter who has had op on ears.
I have stuck to diet religiously not a single thing apart from packs and water

but haven't really had enough water so feel like .......! Going to try and catch up today as its my WI tomorrow and I know if I have a pathetic loss I will just give up. As this is only my second week it should be good. I know next week it will slow down to 3-4 lbs for the duration.
Glad you are sticking with it MsJMC
Funky Mum good luck for your WI tomorrow.
Dreamer hang in there. Bet your CDC going to the Caribbean doesn't help, wish I could go. I wake most mornings thinking I am there as I spend most of my dreams there. My hubby used to be head of IT caribbean for a large American Insurance company until it was asset striped and sold off, so we lived out there for 6 years

it was brilliant at the time but has ruined the rest of my life as nothing has ever been as good since and now poor hubby has had a stroke it never will be
This*time how is the exercise going? I have been finding it hard even doing my every day things. I was weeding and strimming a large area of waste ground by the side of one of our tracks a few days ago and kept feeling out of breath and exhausted so the job took me ages longer than normal:sigh: I thought I might try the Wii fit is anyone else doing it?
Enjoy the rest of the weekend. S x