
Dreamer, i do think thats achieveable maybe have your own little weekly weighs at home or in a shop to keep yourself motivated.

I am also going to start exercise this week just a walk everyday i dont think this will slow loses but only 1 way to find out
taking time out from CD for now , wishing you loads of luck , but will still be dieting unsure which plan yet
good luck msjmc with whatever plan you choose, keep letting us know how you're getting on :)

hope everyon has a good weekend, think im going to go for a nice walk later, its a lovely day. have a good day guys! x
good luck msjmc let us know what how your doing.

Queen have a good walk, I took the kids into town today walked for the first time in ages lol, hope this will help with my losses.

Hope everyone else is ok xx
You will be missed MsMJC, keep in touch!
Well I had an exciting saturday. Been up to wash all the duvets and cat beds. Now doing a complete bed change for everyone and then Dh and the boys need a haircut. Can't even make it up with a glass of wine lol!
I have such a dry mouth now, is that ketosis? Doesn't seem to matter how much I drink.
sounds like it funkymum, when is your 1st wi cant be long now, how have you been finding it? I am so motivated this time on week 3 already it's flown by. Have you looked at the cd forum on the cd website there are a whole load of pics on there to keep you motivated :)
i'm getting more stock tomorrow will rejoin you guyssssssssssss
hope you guys didn't miss me too much lol lol lol
yay glad your sticking with it :) x
Im so glad your sticking with it too, Ive had a very naughty day today and a lil yesterday so im going to make the most of it this evening and then draw a big fat line under it and start a fresh in the morning. I know I can do it. Good luck everyone xx
Welcome back!

My weigh in is tomorrow night (monday). Did struggle a little last night. Saturday night is when we'd have a pig out and I always eat more when Jon is in his shed. So I had a black coffee lol! Mmmm! Stayed up extra late too which didn't help.

This diet has made me realise how much I live to eat and not eat to live. Being hungry now I realise how any food would be good where as before I ate whatever I fancied taste wise.
Just added a bit of crushed chilli to my tomato soup, t'was yummy.
Hope everyone has a good day!
Hello again girls. Haven't been able to get on for the last few days. Have been at hosp most of time with my daughter who has had op on ears.

I have stuck to diet religiously not a single thing apart from packs and water :angel:but haven't really had enough water so feel like .......! Going to try and catch up today as its my WI tomorrow and I know if I have a pathetic loss I will just give up. As this is only my second week it should be good. I know next week it will slow down to 3-4 lbs for the duration.

Glad you are sticking with it MsJMC:)

Funky Mum good luck for your WI tomorrow.

Dreamer hang in there. Bet your CDC going to the Caribbean doesn't help, wish I could go. I wake most mornings thinking I am there as I spend most of my dreams there. My hubby used to be head of IT caribbean for a large American Insurance company until it was asset striped and sold off, so we lived out there for 6 years:) it was brilliant at the time but has ruined the rest of my life as nothing has ever been as good since and now poor hubby has had a stroke it never will be:(

This*time how is the exercise going? I have been finding it hard even doing my every day things. I was weeding and strimming a large area of waste ground by the side of one of our tracks a few days ago and kept feeling out of breath and exhausted so the job took me ages longer than normal:sigh: I thought I might try the Wii fit is anyone else doing it?

Enjoy the rest of the weekend. S x
hi all been to see cdc got my stuff , after i ran out , friday night had normal dinner yes food , and saturday i also had normal food but i hardly eat , but i found that just friday evening and saturday hardly eating i had gained 2 pounds , blimey , anyway i have to just think what will be will be my trousers are lose .
i went to the shop lush yesterday and got lots of goodies , not cheap ... but being on this mad diet we need to find other rewards has anyone else found any other rewards ?
does anyone find being on cd difficult socialising and rather not go? thats how i feel i have a wedding aug 21st i guess i just have to get it over with also the big 6 weeks of school holidays how do people feel about that ? i'm wishing it away lol .
but these are just mental barriers i know .
Shayla them 6 years will always be part of your life no one can take them away . How is your hubby doing ?
This time hows the weekend been for you ?
Dreamer you say you've been naughty odd cos I had fridday eve off and all day saturday be interesting to see how we get on as we have been the same with our loses .
Funky mum let Jon out of the shed lol I know its getting in to a habbit of finding something else to do god I bet it was hard , black coffee is not good but seeing our clothes fall off us is good .
Evening ladies, hope everyone has had a lovely weekend!

I've been AWOL for a few days and have had to come off CD due to finances and other things being higher on the priority list. But....after being off it for 4 days and bingeing like crazy and putting 7lbs on, I am back on CD today. I will find the money somehow...I am terrified I am going to put everything I've lost back on!
Hi everyone lovely day here today. Going to make the most of it as its supposed to be foul the rest of the week.

So I've had my WI only 4lbs off which is disappointing as wanted to make it the stone.:sigh: I had hoped for the stone in 2 weeks then a stone in 4 weeks for the longer term. Only a 1lb I know but that 1st stone is a psychological boost. Oh well I know i need to carry on. After the next stone I should start to feel a difference and hopefully drop a dress size so at least my fat clothes will fit:)

Kez don't worry too much your gain will only be glycogen and water which will come off again quickly. To gain 7lb of fat you would need to eat an excess of 24500 calories and I'm sure you haven't done that:eek:

Good luck with the restart.
Haha, it feels like it! I know it will come off quickly again, but it is scary seeing the scales go up so quickly.
Hi all hope everyone is well,

Shayla the walking is going ok just finding time to fit it in, by my scales at home which are very unreliable I have lost a stone!!! but will find out for sure on Thursday so i do think the walking is doing some good :)

Corkishkez I am sure most of the gain will be water and will come back off real quick its so hard having a few days off so you should be real proud to get back into it x

Msjmc I know what you mean about not socialising I am off campin soon with the kids and am hoping I stay strong, I have been busy this weekend but survived a trip to maccy d's lol just :)

funkymum good luck tonight let us know how it went

If I missed anyone sorry xxx
Dreamer sorry lol just looked back again, I hope your ok and yes you can do it just remember the prize at the end, this is not forever just keep posting xxxx
Well I weighed myself this morning after a relaxed weekend of food and not alot CD and ive stayed the same.. Yesterday I really suffered from hunger after eating fri and sat and when I was finished eating I didnt feel any different than i did before apart from 'What was the point in that' so I am glugging the water away and taking this week 100% serious ready for a good loss next week. Im off up north in 14th August and I am adimant to fit into my bridesmaid dress by then...(im not actually bridesmaid until Oct but my mum is a wizz at sewing so it'll be fine.)x
Shayla . 4 is alot . I know how you feel but the scales are a guide i look like i have lost more in inches .
I really wanted my cdc to do me also in inches ... does anyone's cdc do that .
Kez keep going on CD for as long as you can , it will pay off
This time , camping how long for ? yes its hard and no tv to watch how about mags ? hope its hot for you when you go .
Dreamer sts ok next week we need a good boost so your off up North , is that a holiday for you ?
Funky mum let us know how you get on .
Been to dentist today thank god thats over i hate it .
So roll on another day in the CD house now we have one week to they break up , this will be a test .