
Yes don't turn back now , keep going forward.
Hi all who is still about on the forum on CD ??
Thats the test isn't it , but you did well i know I would be rubbish lol
Im having such a dilema, I was on here everyday and being super super good then I had a wedding and my birthday, blew up 2 blenders and fell off the band wagon. I am in serious need of slimness its the only thing that makes me sad. I was thinking about may be just SSing it but then I think maybe SS+ is the way forward because 1 it will help my body stay a tad normal and 2 it may stop me piling the weight on..... I only have 10 weeks and need to do something about it. You's think spending all this money on CD would be enough motivation and also the fact that none of my holidays clothes fit for 10 weeks time so Gwad knows what im going to do about that...(oh yeah the CD) sorry for the moan. Well done to everyone whos weight is falling off and they are being super strong. I used to be able to do that ;) xx
Dreamer I think you just need to do what you feel happiest with. Maybe having the meal will be enough for you to keep at it. Give it a go and see how you get on.

Well WI 3 for me and I lost 4lbs! Was not expecting that! 19lbs in 3 weeks! Woop woop!!
well done, heading quickly to 2 stones gone :)
Would be great to hit that for when school goes back! Will have to make sure I'm wearing something that will show my weight loss ;)
Hi Dreamer
I was reading another forum where by a woman was on SSplus and her loses were better than the person on SS .
How are you , I know its not easy , hope you can still carry on .
Funky mum , you've done great 19 pounds in 3 weeks . and also your clothes are hanging , at this rate you will be there . Well done .
This time , how are you getting on ?
all ok here thanks, had to be mega focused after my day off. Had that little devil on my shoulder lol, go on eat it 1 bit wont hurt lol.

I think after a while it gets really boring, they could do with some new products.

funkymum I noticed your bmi is now in the 20s something else to keep you going :)
Yes they really could do with a few new products , like chewable food , I was thinking of looking into w8 and doing some mixing .
Yes funky mum I did notice 29.5 , wow , must feel amazing
Oh yeah chewable! The bars are good but not as filling as the soups. I have the porridge but I make that really really thick, that's quick nice and heavy.
Yes I said Cambridge need to get to the Lab and start a few new products . The ones that should go are . choc orange , and be replaced . and they need a spag bol . And tahts just for starters lol
:yuk:eek:mg I made the mistake of having choc orange hot. It is vile and yes spag bol is the way forward lol
lol .... that choc orange , I thought it was something from the doctor when I had it eww , the new cdc does not stock it lol wonder why lol
pasta and cheese would be good too lol
Ok so whos calling head office up to put our resquest in lol
how about a hot choc fudge crepe lol mmmmmm
this time , even better Shall we call this The Game Virtual Eating ?
yes sounds good lol, I want a pizza and curly fries :)
Virtualy i can grant you that wish lol .
oh well 3 days back on the wagon and I took the kids to see toy story 3 was 2 hours late having my shake, so taking them to maccy ds when Iwas starving was a bad idea lol. Ifinished their meals then camehome and ate and ate and ate.

Feel rubbish today, really want this weight off so if I dont kick my a**e into gear now I will regret it. i think cos I feel so ill after eating so much rubbish that helps just want to go back tobed :(
This Time , I am off to take my 6 year ols to see toy story 3D for the 16.15 showing ... cost more to see these films.
Macs is a tease .... burgers the smell , well soon as we come out I may grab her a meal then Run lol
Aww sorry to hear your having a hard time...
I really think it is a hard diet to do and best to try hang it out for as long as you can .
What did you have when you got home ?