Aww thanks hun, looking forward to Wed SO much now!!!
Bet it was the nicest chicken you've ever had!!!!!!
I know what you mean! My boy is 7.5 months and it feels like just yesterday that he arrived.My sister had a baby last week though and when we went to visit and I saw how big my boy was in comparison it made me realise he really is growing fast
I had him christened in January and we have hardly any photos as I didnt want any taking of me cause of my size and the few I do haveI look hideous inbut I really regret that now so make sure when you have your daughter christened that you get loads of snaps. I bet you will have lost a load of weight come 1st of April and can treat yourself to a nice new smaller size outfit for the day
I go back to work 2nd April from maternity so have found Exante quite easy being at home as there are no people around to tempt me. the hardest part has been not eating from boredom as I am a fridge picker usually!!
Good luck, the hardest part is the first few days but once you are over that it is suprisingly easy to stick to x :welcome2:
My little one is just starting to become a bit more curious about things but cant crawl yet so just spends most of his time getting frustrated about things!
He is napping now which is usually the time that I would sit and scoff my facebut now I just come on here and have a read around to keep me distracted.
You'll find a lot of things to keep you distracted, I have a lot of long baths now and have never been so preened, ie nail painting, moisturising etc. Anything basically to avoid the housework! ha x
moomoo13 said:The chicken was lush! The whole dinner was.
Cant wait to see your official result on Wednesday, its gonna be a good one x
Me neither!!! If I do anywhere near as good as you've done, I'll be a happy bunny!! Xx
On of mine kept me up from 12-3 so bit weary today. Teething in full force as well. How old is your LO? You're doing fab so far. Great stats.