Eggs for breakfast was epic, much better then most of the junk I was eating before. Worked out my new gym routine... Added a bit more cardio then before just to give me a boost (especially with my body type a it at the moment!)
Here's how it looks
WEDNESDAY; lifting day; leg, back, biceps and calves.
THURSDAY; day missed, should have been lifting day
FRIDAY; lifting day; chest, shoulders, triceps and abs. Adding 25 minutes cardio on end
SATURDAY; lifting day; leg, back, biceps and calves. Adding 25 minutes cardio on end
SUNDAY; cardio 30-40 minutes.
So it's a 2 day split, 2 days on 1 off and cardio on the days between

hopefully this will build lean tissue while a clean diet and cardio will boost fat loss. Let's see shall we!!
- lose 14 lbs
- stay clean (1 cheat meal per week)
- stick to gym plan