Day 9 Week 2
:happy036: I hit 10 hours on the Wii Fit today and got myself the bronze Piggy bank! :character00115:
Breakfast: Chocolate shake
Snack: Carrots and coffee
Lunch: Chicken dippers, waffles and beans
Snack: Apple
Dinner: Banana shake
Snack: 1 piece of wholemeal toast and tea
I weighed in this morning and lost 2.8lb not bad considering I had a really bad day on Friday.
I've managed 1 litre of water so far which was straight after my 40 minutes of Wii Fit boy was I knackered.
I tried advanced cycling today my god was I sweating! I couldn't find the 22nd flag I think I was riding around for about 10 minutes looking! I'm pretty sure that was the first time the Wii has ever made me drip with sweat

I've been on it for 4 days in a row now and I'm actually finding that I want to go on it, it's not a chore! This has all come on after the last episode of Paul McKenna... I think he did something to me