Hey everyone, Im new here, found the site when looking into the diet and am now in my third week, started 2nd Feb. I admit first few days is hard, the hunger and zero energy, I HATED the water, lived on cola most my life haha, so drinking water was difficult and makes me sick, even in week 3 now Im finding it hard, have just under 4 pints a day, cant manage more. Hunger goes after first few days but this past two days felt a bit poorly and in need of food, still SS-ing so considering moving into SS+ next week to normalise it somewhat, Lost 7lbs first week and 5lbs 2nd week, get weighed for week 3 this friday....am hoping for 14lbs hahahaha, but still, its a long way to go and you have to do it right.
That 14stone in a day Peter Kay joke springs to mind though

, So inspiring hearing all you guys chatting about the diet, my starting its been a long time coming, was always a slim size 8-10 and past few years ballooned from PCOS and was so depressed,I admire larger ladies with confidence unfortunately I had none, my personality is life and soul of the party but not in looks and I realised I dont want this anymore so kicked my own backside into gear and thought CD is a kick start to a new beginning, I have hormonal problems with makes it difficult to lose weight by most methods and though CD seemed extreme I was prepared to try it.
So far Im TRYING to stay motivated, so far so good, never dieted before though so little difficult. But what I DID realise is my eating habits were stupid, Id eat cereal at breakfast, then drink glass of cola then wait 12hrs and have a ready made meal, not that bad calorie wise but from having PCOS my weight ballooned despite my diet being the same when I was slim, finally diagnosed as to why and now doing this made me realise even then I was not healthy, the three meals a day was good. Id already destroyed my system as a child with eating problems and anorexia and was now at other extreme.
So now what I learnt is I sometimes ate out of boredom and when emotional, I didnt eat enough (ironically haha) I didnt eat properly at right times and my biggest issue was my faddy eating, Id find things I liked and stick to them, day in day out, was fussy as hell on trying new things, so was stuck in silly routines. But now doing this the cravings are absurd haha, I see stupid foods on tv or on supermarkets id never dream of eating and find myself thinking "oh I could just eat egg and soldiers" when in my routine it would never enter my head, so one thing I can say CD has done so far in just 3weeks as opened my eyes to my eating habits, breaking them, and opening my mind to healthier eating once im off it, trying new things and not sticking in silly fad routines once more.
So thats my CD experience so far, I see many of you started at same time but not many explain their realisations. It might be a hard to stay motivated diet but it certainly fixes the outlook on foods, thats for sure. Hope to keep it up and hope you guys do with yours too. All a learning experience haha.
As for the foods, Well Im fussy there (no change yet haha), only like Choc/Strawberry Shakes, Porridge is ok (its kind of like semolina), and tried 3bars this week, they are ok, makes a change to chew something rather than all liquids, tried the orange water flavouring also (awful....tasted like andrews powder) was gutted about that as was hoping itd be nice as am finding the water Hugely difficult. But still, taking it week by week so I can push myself until end of week at least and hopefully will continue.
So Hi everyone. Nice to meet you all.