Fed up

Thank you, your both doing great too xxx
Well, i Went to the cinema with my little boy last night to see g i joe, bought him lots of packets of sweets and chocolate to eat while watching it and I'm sure I watched the chocolate more than I watched the film, this diets so hard, why cant chocolate be healthy? I'd be the skinniest women in the world if it was!!!
Well done Emma for staying so strong! x x x
Well done Emma, you're brilliant for staying so strong at the cinema. My o/h half wants to see Oblivion but i'm dreading going as i always get bored watching films and only go for the popcorn and sweets... i love popcorn :sigh:
Me too, I love salted popcorn, smelt lush x
oh god i'm drooling just thinking about it..... will i ever be able to look at food without obsessing!!