Hey mimi, your welcome and i'm really sorry to hear about the sandwich

but don't let it break you down, you just have to get back into the mentality that you will be starting the diet from day 1 and count again (this is what I would do) as letting yourself off too lightly might endanger you into unsafe waters. Just take it as a learning lesson, jump back on the horse and start a fresh.
Getting your supply once a month is certainly not a good idea! Is it due to working in a care home and shift patterns? I have worked in a care home before and I can empathise with you as I have had to help feed clients during a holy fasting month and that was challenging (seeing them eat all the most wonderful desserts in the world!) lol... what I would say is if possible, try see your pharmacist once a week or fortnight as it really helps, like I will be going for my weigh in tomorrow and getting my 3rd weeks supply, for me I will have 3 plastic lipotrim bags which I count as trophies and once I get to 12 plastic bags i'm going to stop lol
I put this on another post in a forum but i'm going to repeat it here just because it's so true, infact there's too little sayings that are so common, a bit cheesy, but very true... a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips! and... no food in the world can taste as good as the feeling of looking good! Keep at it, once you are at your ideal shape and you look in the mirror, you can go out and eat anything you want for a night (just a night!), go wear your nicest attire, go out with your friends and chomp away! all the sacrifices will be worth it and remember, tomorrow is a new day and after today this will all be history

all the best