Feeling deprived?

Very interesting thread....

I'm not on CD or any other plan for that matter at the moment, as I have an appointment in three weeks to see a consultant about having WLS.

Interestingly, because my BMI is fractionally under the requirement it was "suggested" to me (by a medical professional) that I shouldn't diet until after my consultation. Essentially it is a case of "eat what you like until your appointment and then diet".

Now, having being carte blanche as it were to eat what I want, when I want, has had an interesting affect on me. I just don't want to. I don't want to eat like a demon, and how I would have done when I have been dieting in the past. I don't want to undo the hard work I've put in over the last few months.

I've found myself stressing out over the fact that the more I weigh at my consultation the better my chances of having surgery are. I'd like to lose 15 stone, so its a huge huge amount to lose, and I've slowly been creeping down the scales.

Yes I've felt deprived when I've been sticking to the plan, but I feel deprived now, because I'm not sticking to it.

Am I making sense?
