Ok so doing just SS didn't last long!! Went shopping and forgot my peanut bar so had a grilled chicken salad from macdonalds... It was really nice though and I checked and it's not bad for you at all. Under 200 cals
Finished all my Xmas shopping except getting a bottle of port for my dad. Ended up buying 2 more presents for my boyfriend even though I promised myself I wouldn't!! He has certainly been spoilt this year!
Got home and had ANOTHER meal!!! Argh I'm so crap! My mum made me a veg stew which was CD friendly, so don't think it will make much difference... Really not looking forward to WI on Monday cos I bet ive put loads on

only had one glass of water today too.
Wrapped some presents then me, my mum and sister decorated some cupcakes! My mum has been doing cake decorating classes for ages and has lots of ace equipment so we had a go. They look brilliant, I will try and post a pic tomorrow. Shame i cant eat any of them though haha..
Not heard much from the OH today cos he's busy with uni work

I think he's staying on track with the diet though. Dreading it if he can't come collect me at the end of this week cos I have all of his Xmas pressies to lug back to Leeds with me, and one of them is HUGE!!!
Bed time for me now anyway!