Hello girls!!! I am back after 3 weeks of being a terrible dieter..
Had a good christmas full of food but I'm really struggling to get back in to the swing of things. Went back to work last Tuesday and intended on starting the diet again. Stuck to it for a day & a half then ordered pizza

Then stuck to it yesterday and had a grilled chicken kebab for tea!!!! I didn't even enjoy them much so I'm annoyed with myself.
Haven't seen my CDC for 4 weeks now cos she went on holiday, and I asked her not to come last week because I didn't stick to plan over xmas so have got loads of shakes left.
I weighed myself on my home scales the last time I saw my CDC on 13th December and weighed in at 14st 7.5, and I'm currently 14st 5 so I don't think I've put anything on which is good. Saying that though, when I didn't see her for 2 weeks before, my scales said I had lost 4lb and hers said I stayed the same so maybe I've put a couple on..
Anyway.... going to re-start today. I am going on a night out with some friends on 5th February so I have a dress I want to fit in to by then. It's a size 16 but I think it's a small-ish 16 so not sure if I will fit in by then
Still haven't started the shred!!! I am so lazy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Had it for about 2 months now sitting on my dvd shelf haha. Going to buy some dumbells soon to use with it.
So today is day 1 (again). When I tried to re-start last week the shakes made me feel sick :S But I will get over it!!! I found getting through that Day 1 last week quite easy though, cos I knew what to expect.
Bought a brand spanking new (very expensive) DSLR camera yesterday, so going to take some photos because I regret not taking them when I started in November!!!!!
Hope everyone is ok and being 100%