Fighting the Fat! :)

Hi girls had a busy week so not much chance to post. Hope everone is well? Back doen to 13"1 so have lost the weight i had gained. Off to liverpoll a week tomorrow so am aiming for at least 2 pounds doen so into 12s. Determined to put this blip behind me.

In other news i found out the interview went better than i thought and i got the job!! Looking to start in 6 weeks.

Also offer accepted on house so just waiting for surveys to be done so probs will be moving in 6 weeks or so ( going to be mental busy!)

Went shopping today with a friend and bought some lovely bits. Starting to notice a change in my body

Well done on the loss hunni. Congrats on the flat thats really good news. Can imagine how busy youll be xxx

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Well done on the job and the loss! You are looking FAB! :) x
hiya girls am so annoyed with myself! I don't know what I have been ding with myself. Have had alot going on and think I have used it as an excuse to fall off the bandwagon. Hope you are all well. Feel like a bit of a letdown tbh :( xx

Hey hun, sorry to hear your struggling. Dont be annoyed, your going through a lot and these things happen, lately ive been really depressed myself and ive been eating badly but im working on that. Take your time, you'll know when your ready. Il always be here as your support.

Yout not a let down hun. Hope u feel better soon. Xxx

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Feel better soon, don't feel down... It happens to us all at some point. Nobody's perfect. Big hugs, come back when your ready xxx
You can do it :)
Ugh! Finally managed to drag myself back, I cant believe its been so long since I last logged on! I fogot what a big support I found this forum when losing weight. I am sorry to say I gained all the weight back that I lost so have to start AGAIN from scratch!! I seem to have been on a 9 month sugar and carb binge. Start of week 2 for me and I haven't weighed yet but I am hoping some of my old friends from this thread are still about?!
Have been eating balanced meals and been back to the gym, :)
Going to start up the old diary again and lose some weight before a holiday to Marbella I have planned in the summer!!!
Would love to make some new friends and catch up with others xxx
Nice to see you back and fab news on being on week 2 already! Xxx

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Glad to see you back hunni, goodluck! Your already making changes and no how to do it. Have a good day hun xxx