I agree on the SW meetings. I always found them overly long and while I sometimes got some good ideas from them, they weren't really worth the time. I used to like WW meetings in the past, but I just don't have the time these days, so doing online at the moment too. 2.2lbs off this week, so that's 11.6lbs in 2 weeks! :O I'm amazed, as I feel like I'm eating all the time!! Loving this plan. I have a terribly sweet tooth, but haven't had any chocolate or sweets since I started, despite still having lots left over from Christmas! That's a first for me!! I'm putting it down to the fact that I can have a crumpet and Hartleys 0 pt jam when I need to satisfy my sweet tooth.

I've been feeling a bit bloated over the weekend though, not sure if I'm eating too much fruit (been having smoothies every day), or maybe carbs, so thinking of cutting them out for a few days to see how it goes.